Tag: recipes


potato leek soup
In the Market Now

Storage Potatoes and Fresh-Dug leeks

Leeks are the vegetable auntie of the family allium. They are easy to grow from seed or to transplant in the late-spring garden from sprouts, Leeks are long growing and don’t mind being in the ground for a long time. They are often … read more


Sweet Chili Meatballs

Big Game Snacks for the Win

The big game is almost here: two teams, a room full of fans and a spread of fan-favorite foods to keep everybody going. Whether everyone’s at your place or you’re heading somewhere else to watch the game, you want to make sure the … read more


Brussels Sprouts
In the Market Now

Brussels Sprouts

Little, green mini cabbages that are frequently offered on long, straight stems intrigue the eye and confound the mind. A staple winter vegetable, Brussels sprouts suffer a love/hate relationship with most consumers. Those with a more sophisticated palate usually enjoy them and prepare … read more


Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes
Smart Start

Breakfast Recipes for a Healthy New Year

A commitment to health and wellness means taking care of yourself and your family, exercising and eating right. The New Year is the perfect time to refocus your goals and make better health a priority. A nutrient-rich breakfast can set you up for … read more


The Silent Night cocktail

Flavorful Recipes to Upgrade Your Holiday Feast

This holiday season, hospitality industry veterans such as Andy Seymour — a top bar educator — are encouraging hosts to use port wine as the focal point of their festivities in both food and drink menus. “Port’s depth of flavor and versatility in … read more


In the Market Now

Mincemeat Fixin’s

It’s cold and wet; snow covers the deck and the sidewalks. Nothing warms the home and heart more than turning on the oven and baking something fragrant, spicy and tasty. The holidays are coming and a traditional delight for me is mincemeat. No, … read more

Party-Planning Pizzazz
Cover Feature

Party-Planning Pizzazz

When friends of Katie and Glenn Eberling open their mailboxes and find a personal, creative, original invitation to a Christmas party, the holiday season officially begins. The couple have been holding Christmas gala parties for several years to kick off the Christmas season, … read more

Norwegian Cottage Christmas

A Norwegian Cottage Christmas

Laila Caspersen and John Hansen were each raised in families who had observed Norwegian traditions and cultural values for generations. When they met in college and discovered their similar backgrounds, it seemed natural to marry and continue those traditions. Their home is a … read more


Cranberries at the market
In the Market Now


(More than You Ever Wanted to Know)

Cranberries have been a staple on Thanksgiving tables in the United States since the Pilgrims first feasted with the Wampanoag in 1621. The native populations had been using the wild cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpos throughout their history. It is believed they used the fruit … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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