Tag: children


Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD

How to Nurture Your Baby’s Stress

When our babies are experiencing stress, they need to borrow our mature brain to return to a safe, regulated state. Babies can experience stress for all kinds of reasons. Stress can happen when babies have a physical need for feeding, hydration, temperature regulation, … read more

Magnolia Preschool

Four Seasons of Fun and Discovery

At the outdoors Magnolia Forest Preschool, any weather...

Every day is a good day to be a child at a park, and today is no exception. At the group camping site of Kitsap Memorial State Park, several small children are seated in thoughtful conversation beneath the trees. Close by, a little … read more


little child

Outdoor Play Each Day Will Help Keep the Screens Away

It’s difficult to distance ourselves from screens; they follow us everywhere — in the car, into stores, at restaurants and all around our houses. Children often become reliant on screens for entertainment, and parents sometimes use screens as a distraction. While there’s high-quality, … read more


taco mac and cheese

Recipe for Taco Mac and Cheese

Macaroni and cheese is a beloved comfort food that’s easy to make during a busy week. With just a few extra ingredients and steps, you can turn boxed mac and cheese into a filling dinner. To make this Taco Mac and Cheese, simply … read more


summer camp

How to Find the Right Summer Camp

With the days growing longer and warmer, securing a suitable camp for your child can feel like an impossible task. However, finding the perfect camp experience for your kid this summer doesn’t have to be daunting with these top 10 considerations. 1. Your … read more


(Photo by Toa Heftiba)

Tips for Designing a New Nursery

Decorating a nursery can be one of the most exciting aspects of preparing for the arrival of a baby. From deciding on a theme to picking the perfect color palette, there are so many things to consider to make it perfect for your … read more


baby chewing plastic

What Every Parent of Young Children Should Know about Plastics

Plastics is not a subject that most of us go to sleep obsessing over or wake up consumed by. But when you are writing a report for EARTHDAY.ORG titled “Babies vs. Plastics,” plastics literally become your life. Plastic is an omnipresent material in … read more


holiday values

How to Use the Holiday Spirit to Instill Meaningful Values in Children

As Thanksgiving approaches, hearts are filled with warmth and the spirit of giving. It’s a time to cherish moments with loved ones and reflect on all of life’s positive aspects. While it’s common for families to focus on turkey feasts and football games … read more


Decorate your at-home study space for a boost of motivation.

Five Tips for Creating an At-Home Study Space for Students

Now that students are in the full swing of the school year, they will need a quiet personal area to study and tackle assignments. From research and writing to cramming for exams, here are five tips to help create an environment that is … read more

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