Tag: home improvement


heat pump

How the Inflation Reduction Act and Simple Steps Can Boost Energy Savings This Summer

As Americans prepare to spend more cold cash to stay cool this summer, it’s more important than ever to learn how to leverage the benefits of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Combining these offerings with some simple tips and tricks will help … read more


efficient heating

7 Ways to Reduce Home Energy Costs

When building your budget, utility bills — especially the electric bill — are likely one of your largest monthly expenditures. One of the biggest culprits: home heating and cooling, which account for more than half of the average American household’s annual energy consumption, … read more


remodel in progress

Tips for Tackling Your Home Renovation Project

Taking on a home renovation of any kind can be a stressful process, but it can also be extremely satisfying to watch your plans and ideas come to life. Whether your ultimate goal is to make your home safer for your family or … read more


home inspector

Why You Need an Inspection when Buying a Home

When many buyers purchased homes during the height of the pandemic homebuying frenzy, they may have skipped adding a home inspection in an effort to win bidding wars. While this may have worked out for some, others were hit with hidden problems and … read more


Photo © Srecko Stipovic / iStock via Getty Images Plus

Using Wood Pellets? Prep for Potential Supply Shortage

Between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and sky-high oil and gas prices, a significant pellet fuel supply shortage is likely this winter season. Industry experts say you should plan ahead and secure your fuel now for the cold winter months. The good news … read more


colorful homes

What the Paint Color of Your Home Says About Your Personality

Many people who buy their homes usually style them based on their home’s features and color. Other times, they style it with their favorite colors. But not many people think about what their color choice says about them. Maybe there’s no correlation between … read more


Controlling Mold

Keeping Mold at Bay During Summer

Between the pool, beach, lake and the various other ways to stay cool, plus the stifling humidity and warm weather storms, summer is one of the top moisture-filled times of the year. This season brings a few extra problems that may not be … read more


curb appeal

Tips to Attract Buyers When Selling Your Home

Preparing your home for sale may start with ideas for staging the house or spackling and painting over nail holes; however, it also requires a considerable amount of planning and organization. Before opening your home to tours, either virtual or in person, be … read more


home insurance

What You Need to Know About Insurance when Moving and Buying a Home

Much of the country is still in the middle of a red-hot real estate market. Home values have been rising due to high demand and first-time homebuyers should be aware of how the value of their home impacts the way their insurance premiums … read more

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