Tag: retirement


The 2024 class of Heron's Key scholarship recipients mingle at the annual luncheon where residents who donated to the scholarship program get to meet and mingle with the students.

Gig Harbor Retirement Community Residents Raise Scholarship Funds for Local Students

In the last seven years, residents at Heron’s Key, a continuing care retirement community in Gig Harbor, have raised $97,500 in scholarships for Gig Harbor graduating high school seniors. The Heron’s Key Scholarship Group started in 2018 to support the next generation of … read more


health savings

How to Make the Most of Your Health Savings Account

It’s that time of year again: You feel the tickle in the back of your throat, think you’re coming down with something, and visit the local urgent care. They ask for a copay, and you pay it. But have you given any thought … read more


grandparents are great

How to Avoid Being Tricked by a Familiar Voice in a ‘Grandparent Scam’

You may have heard about older adults being tricked into sending money to someone they think is a grandchild or other relative in trouble and thought to yourself, “How could anyone fall for that?” But the truth is, today’s advanced technology makes it … read more


saving money

Be Prepared: 5 Steps to Build Your Emergency Fund

Many of life’s interruptions can’t be predicted. Not having funds set aside for unexpected problems can leave you racking up high credit card debt or putting yourself in other difficult financial straits. “When it comes to savings best practices, it is especially clear … read more


Age Safely with Your Home: 3 Home Modifications That Are Essential to Make

Many people think that aging means eventually having to leave your home. That is a reality for many, but it can be delayed significantly by making a few changes to your home in order to make it safer. Certain areas of every home … read more


physical therapy

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Arthritis Relief

Many individuals who have arthritis “treat” their pain by simply avoiding activity — usually because they think movement and exercise would be uncomfortable. But the opposite may be true. Movement and exercise may help relieve symptoms, according to physical therapist Jackie Gfeller with … read more


(Photo: © monkeybusinessimages / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

4 Steps for Developing a Thoughtful Estate Plan

Many people may avoid estate planning because they think it can be put off until later in life. But experts agree that adults of any age should have a plan in place to make sure their financial affairs are in order after they … read more



How Seniors at Home and in Retirement Communities Can Maintain Mental Wellness During the Pandemic

People of all ages are being affected by the global health crisis, but it is important to remember that the lives of older adults have been especially disrupted. After all, the opportunities to socialize, take various classes and enjoy an active lifestyle are … read more


retirement planning

Can You Still Live on Your Retirement in the Coronavirus Era?

If you're making withdrawals from your retirement account,...

No doubt about it: The market has had a brutal couple of months. It’s upsetting to check your retirement account and see that some sectors are down as much as 40-50 percent. Granted, some weeks of upswings have been a welcome respite — … read more

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