Tag: energy conservation


power meter

Why You Need to Audit Your Power Bill

Nobody likes getting their electric bill — especially when their energy costs are higher than expected. Worst of all is when individual households can’t pinpoint exactly how they spent so much energy when there’s no immediately obvious underlying cause. The fact is that … read more


heat pump

How the Inflation Reduction Act and Simple Steps Can Boost Energy Savings This Summer

As Americans prepare to spend more cold cash to stay cool this summer, it’s more important than ever to learn how to leverage the benefits of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Combining these offerings with some simple tips and tricks will help … read more


efficient heating

7 Ways to Reduce Home Energy Costs

When building your budget, utility bills — especially the electric bill — are likely one of your largest monthly expenditures. One of the biggest culprits: home heating and cooling, which account for more than half of the average American household’s annual energy consumption, … read more


spam warnings

Why Email Spam Is Bad News for the Planet

Editor’s note: This EarthTalk column is provided courtesy of E – The Environmental Magazine and published with permission. Dear EarthTalk: Is it true that spam email takes a huge toll on the environment? – P.L., Bern, NC If you are among the 92 … read more


hvac maintenance

How to Perform Your Own Home Energy Audit

Running a household can get expensive. Between regular maintenance and utility costs, things can add up quickly over the course of a month. One of the most costly parts of owning a house is typically heating and cooling. If your house isn’t sealed … read more


Photo © Srecko Stipovic / iStock via Getty Images Plus

Using Wood Pellets? Prep for Potential Supply Shortage

Between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and sky-high oil and gas prices, a significant pellet fuel supply shortage is likely this winter season. Industry experts say you should plan ahead and secure your fuel now for the cold winter months. The good news … read more

Heath Wellness

Supporting Health and Wellness Through Human-Centric Lighting, Technology and Comfort (Part 2)

Human Centric Lighting Human-centric lighting (HCL) is the art and science of designing interior lighting systems that mimic natural light, be it daylight or darkness. Exposure to the “right” light can render a positive biological impact on the master clock in your brains … read more


The author's Tesla Model Y

A Tesla Owner’s Take on Whether Owning an Electric Vehicle Makes Sense

If you are expecting a dialogue bashing the internal combustion vehicle or touting the electric vehicles as the savior of our planet, I’m afraid you are in for a disappointment. My decision to purchase an EV was purely a matter of convenience and … read more

Greg Dronkert, founder and CEO of PacWesty

High Energy Drives the Success of Bainbridge Island’s PacWesty

Diverse company rents camper vans to tourists, delivers...

Hang out with Greg Dronkert for any length of time and you just might feel like you’re chatting with the Energizer Bunny — that is if the the bunny could only talk. The bunny, of course, is the mascot of Energizer batteries, and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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