WSMAG.NET Blog » Gardeners Corner

All things gardening — seasonal tips, inspirational ideas, gardening events, plant information and more.



5 Reasons Your Hydrangea May Not Be Producing Flowers

Winter can sometimes spell doom for hydrangeas across much of the United States, but not so this year. Winter was mild, with record-breaking warm temperatures in the northeast, where gardeners regularly experience angst about whether their big leaf and mountain hydrangeas will flower. … read more


simple gardens

Creating a Low-Maintenance Garden: Tips and Tricks

Gardening is a fun hobby that has plenty of health benefits. If you’ve been thinking about converting a barren backyard into a stunning landscape of greens, these six tricks will help you build a garden that requires minimal time and effort to care … read more


wildflower borders

How to Plant a Meadowscape for Natural Beauty

Are you tired of spending every Saturday mowing your lawn instead of relaxing in the garden? Was your last water bill higher than your car payment? Would you rather spend money on pretty plants for the garden — instead of fertilizer for the … read more



Grow Fast, Fun and Easy Microgreens

Have fun growing some delicious and nutritious microgreens on your kitchen counter, in a sunny window or under lights any time of the year. In as little as a week to 10 days, you’ll be making your first harvest to use as a … read more



Outdoor Succulent Gardening: Easy-Care and Sunshine-Loving Plants

Bring low-maintenance beauty to your outdoor space with a succulent garden. Succulents are water-wise plants that thrive in sunlight, making them perfect for creating a stunning and easy-to-care-for outdoor oasis. Bonus! Depending on your region and growing zone, you can bring many succulents … read more


The right potting mix will help ornamental and edible plants thrive.

Selecting the Right Potting Mix for Your Plantings

As gardeners, it seems we are all looking for an ideal potting mix for our houseplants and containers. Like any gardening endeavor, a lot depends on what is available, the plants you’re growing and the type of maintenance you provide. That said, there … read more


Sunflower “Bert from Benary.”

Top 10 Annual Seeds to Sow this Spring to Make Your Garden and Containers Flowery

Do you want to make your garden or container plantings really flowery this year? If so, try adding some easy-to-grow annual seeds to your spring shopping list. Annuals are plants that complete their whole lifecycle in one growing season. You can plant the … read more


Compact varieties of raspberries and other fruit are well suited to being grown in containers and small spaces. (Photo courtesy of

How to Grow Fruit in Containers

Have fun and enjoy picking fresh fruit right outside your door thanks to compact varieties you can grow in containers. Just clear some space on your patio, deck, balcony or front steps that receives at least six hours of sunlight and get busy … read more


'Butterscotch' Butternut Squash

Growing Squash

Pumpkins, squash, and gourds have enchanted gardeners and foodies for generations with their diversity in shapes, colors and flavors. Collectively referred to as “squash,” the Cucurbita genus has a rich history dating back over 8,000 years to Central and South America, and 4,000 … read more

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