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The Home

Each issue of our magazine showcases new or remodeled homes, including our design series, appliances, and the latest in kitchen and bath features. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!

Griggs D-pulls and knobs by Top Knobs — Design by A Kitchen That Works LLC

Cabinetry Bling — Stylish Hardware for Your Cabinetry

Does the look of your kitchen or bathroom cabinets leave you feeling ho-hum? With just the turn of a screwdriver, you can give your cabinetry a whole new appearance simply by updating the hardware. It is important to understand the basics of selecting … read more

Open shelving and wire baskets — Design by Paula Kennedy, Timeless Kitchen Designs (Photo courtesy Northlight Photography)

Hung Up On Closets

“It looks like a bomb went off in my closet!” This is how many homeowners describe their closets. Is it too many clothes and shoes or is it lack of organization? Honestly, it is typically a bit of both. Although designers and residential … read more

The Old Jar

The Old Jar

Things under foot not noticed, things everywhere that no attention is paid to, things taken for granted that could easily be kicked aside, thrown in the trash or lay dormant on a back shelf — we’re talking about old jars. A kitchen jar … read more

Tablescape Winners 2015

Creative Tablescape Competition Winners 2015

This year, WestSound Magazine magazine received an abundance of creative tablescapes. The choices were all wonderful — but our tablescape judges, Linna Lawrence and Tami Blacknall, made the difficult decisions! Thank you to all who took the time to submit their tablescapes. And … read more

Pellet insert NPI45 by Napoleon

Cozy Up — Selecting the Right Fireplace for Your Home

Be it physical or psychological, sitting around a fire has the innate ability to warm your body and your soul. Whether you are toasting marshmallows outside, taking shelter from a winter storm inside or just looking for a bit of cozy ambiance, choosing … read more

Seventies Coffee Cups

Seventies Coffee Cups

Dime a dozen, can’t throw them away fast enough — mid-century coffee cups sprout up faster than spring field daisies. Or so I thought. It is night and day. Seems like a month ago they flooded thrift stores, and antique shops wouldn’t waste … read more

Outdoor Room

The Romance of an Outdoor Room

There’s nothing more magnetic than an “outdoor room.” It’s more inviting than just a porch. It’s more romantic than a deck or a patio. It can be either snuggled against the house or set out at the edge of the property. Either way, … read more

Corner Hutch

Return of the Corner Hutch

Corner hutch popularity is like a rollercoaster. A few years back, I professed the easy availability and need for these space-efficient cupboard/shelf units with one purpose — to hold “things.” Repeating over and over that they are easy to find, easy to repair … read more

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling Fans — Not Just for Summer Anymore

Selecting the right fan for four-season enjoyment

Unlike a chandelier or a stunning kitchen tile backsplash, ceiling fans go mostly overlooked by visitors and occupants of a home. Although fans can be decorative, their primary purpose is utilitarian, hence they are rarely noticed until they are needed or wanted. Ceiling … read more

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