Tag: wildlife

Sandhill cranes

Fall Migration Fuels Feeder Activity

September and October are the two busiest months for fall migration. Millions of birds that nested in the north are moving southward for the winter. Little by little, this mass movement of wings visits our yards, parks, wildlife refuges and West Sound birding … read more

Festuca glauca (Elijah Blue) Blue Fescue

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Bats • Planting Ornamentals • Become a Master...

Bats Eat Insects Galore Bats were a topic in this column in fall of 2008. Since a horribly devastating disease called “white nose syndrome” or WNS is decimating bat populations nationwide, it’s appropriate to revisit information about one of nature’s most awesome weapons … read more


Theler Wetlands

A Walk on the Edge for Birdwatchers

This time of the year provides some of the best birdwatching. A walk on the “edge” will produce the largest variety of bird species. Forests and heavy brush bordering fields, wetlands and other open areas create this edge effect birds are drawn to. … read more

Clear Creek Trail System

An Oasis in the Middle of an Urban Development

When people think of Silverdale, many immediately see it as a large shopping center, massive parking areas and lots and lots of traffic. It’s hard to believe that in 1841, Capt. Wilkes sailed into a bay from Puget Sound and named it Dyes … read more

Steller’s jay

Northwest Birds Meet Northwest Visitors

When summer guests visit West Sound country, many of them are interested in seeing some Northwest birds. Locals take these birds for granted because they are familiar with them — and it’s easy to think these birds are well known in other regions … read more

Water-Smart Gardening

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Water-Smart Gardening • What's Up for Kids •...

Water-Smart Gardening July and August bring some of the best weather in West Sound. Some local folks like to say that summer begins on July 5 each year. But that hasn’t been the case this year, as we’ve had many summery days. Local … read more


Kitten and Puppy Sleeping

Building or Remodeling with Your Family Pets in Mind

Americans love their pets. According to a recent report by NBC news, Americans will spend more than $60 billion — yes, billion — on their pets in 2016. Clearly, people are taking the term “furbaby” to heart and treating pets more like members … read more


Marrus Orthocanna Siphonophore (Photo Credit: Hidden Ocean Expedition 2005/NOAA/OAR/OER)

The Fascinating World of Siphonophores

Why humans and these tiny creatures are more...

Do you like to walk our beautiful Puget Sound beaches at low tide? Do you slowly stroll up and down the docks, staring into the water to catch a glimpse of the sea life lurking beneath the depths? If you do this with … read more


An iridescent blue orchard mason bee (Photo by Brian Buckner Photography)

The Top 10 Ways to Make Your Community Bee-Loved (Mason Bees, Part 3)

Editor’s note: Now that we know the benefits of mason bees, here’s what we can do to make West Sound bee-friendly. This is an excerpt from “Mason Bee Revolution: How the Hardest Working Bee Can Save the World One Backyard at a Time,” … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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