Tag: vegetables


Easy Pumpkin Carving

Traditional Pumpkin Carving Techniques

Editor’s note: Are you among the estimated 64 million Americans who will be carving a pumpkin this Halloween! This excerpt was adapted from the newly published book “Easy Pumpkin Carving: Spooktacular Patterns, Tips & Ideas” can help you make the best jack-o-lantern on … read more

A wilting, newly planted viburnum. New plants can dry out quickly.
Water and Wilting Plants

To Water or Not to Water?

Wilting leaves. Sooner or later, everyone who gardens — from just a single house plant to a grand vegetable patch — will encounter a droopy plant. The remedy is a universally known response: Water the plant. Pour some water on it or set … read more


Massimo Italian Bar & Grill Rooted in Family Tradition

Surrounded by large windows facing out to Henderson Bay and sitting near a warm fire blazing on the stone hearth, Massimo and Cindy Terracciano tell the story of their lives. Their love, marriage, family and restaurant — no one part of it more … read more


Garden Memories

A Garden’s Memory

My time in the garden is often solitary, but as I focus on a task, my head is filled with whispers. The conversation comes, unbidden — triggered by a sound, a scent or a flower. The garden is where I reconnect with people … read more

Canal Cookout

Canal Cookout an Adventure Outside the (Culinary) Box

Named by Forbes Traveler magazine one of the “prettiest towns” in America, Union appeals to summer vacationers and visitors alike. The breathtaking views, natural beauty, slow pace and recreational activities more than compensate for the off-the-beaten-path destination. But Lisa Leggett sees more than … read more


Brunch Bruschetta Bar

Two Ideas for Summer Brunch Fare

When it comes to planning brunch, there really are no rules. It’s the perfect opportunity to combine your favorite flavors and foods in one delicious meal. Warmer weather calls for putting a summer twist on brunch classics. Breakfast Tacos Al Pastor are a … read more


Freshly dug and ready to be cleaned and dried

What To Do with Garlic you Planted Last Fall

If you planted garlic cloves as I suggested last fall, you will be rewarded with complete garlic heads this month. If you plant in the fall, June supplies tasty garlicscapes that should be cut off and can be used to flavor your oil … read more


Baked Salmon with Avocado and Pine Nut Salad

Tips for Healthy Eating

Remaining active and healthy for older adults is important. Good nutrition is vital but can diminish with age, exactly when healthy eating becomes even more paramount. Here are five tips to help keep a healthy diet as you age: Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. As … read more


(Photo courtesy Gardener's Supply Company)

Grow More Edibles with Smart & Sustainable Keyhole Gardening

Raise your gardening efforts to a new level with keyhole gardening. You’ll increase your garden’s productivity in a smaller space, while using less water and fertilizer. This intensive technique was first used in Africa where it’s hot and dry and the topsoil is … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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