Tag: 0009

Home Wasn't Built in a Day

Home Wasn’t Built in a Day

A Family with Roots that Run Deep

If Jerry and Mary Richards of Indianola were to have a clan motto emblazoned above their hearth, it would read, simply: “For Home and Family.” While not actually carved in concrete, the sentiment is obvious in nearly every aspect of the couple’s story, … read more

A Forever Home and Garden
Cover Feature

A ‘Forever’ Home and Garden

Lana and Bob Decker live on a secluded hilltop above Wildcat Lake. They’ve created their “forever” home and garden on an idyllic 5-acre piece of land. Bob Decker was a lifelong Alaskan and Lana moved to Alaska in 1981. They married in 1989, … read more

Best of West Sound 2016

Best of West Sound Results 2016

WestSound Magazine magazine is excited to present the annual Best of West Sound results — from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor, we’ve found the businesses and places you love. Enjoy! Best Restaurant Silver City Restaurant & Ale House 2799 NW … read more

Daffodils and hyacinths

Spring-Flowering Bulbs and Corms

Spring-flowering bulbs provide lots of color with very little effort. From mid-February until late April, the longer and warmer days signal the earth to awaken. First to bloom are snowdrops then crocus, daffodils, grape hyacinths, hyacinths and dwarf iris. Tulips that bloom during … read more

Circe grab bar in chrome and porcelain by Ginger

Making a Bathroom Complete — Decorative Hardware that Adds Style and Function

Want to take your bathroom from good to great with minimal effort? Adding decorative hardware can not only boost your bathroom’s style quotient but also provide much appreciated functionality and storage. There are many products and places to install decorative hardware. Several hardware … read more

Via Rosa 11
Via Rosa 11 (Italian Kitchen and Market)

Authentic Italian Cuisine Steeped In Deep Family Traditions

Via Rosa 11 (Italian Kitchen & Market) is a vibrant Bainbridge Island business that grew from the roots of owner Pino Sordello’s heritage. The ambiance is that of stopping by a friend’s home, entering through the kitchen door and being greeted with a … read more

Design Series 2016
Design in 2016

Design — Advice from the Experts

The first of the year is a wonderful...

Trends in home design for 2016 run the gamut from simple and strong to bold and reclaimed. Tranquil baths, bold flooring and attention to reusable materials top the list. Trends in home design are similar to trends in fashion. There are always hot … read more

A Home for Entertaining
Cover Feature

On the Level — A Home for Entertaining… and the Dogs

In the summer of 2014, when Lance and JoAnn Kahn first saw the 1970s rambler, they weren’t all that impressed. The 40-year-old house was dated and the floorplan was decidedly quirky with long, dark hallways that ran like tunnels from either side of … read more

Dream Kitchen Remodel
Dream Kitchen Remodel

A New Floor Plan and a Wealth of Custom Features and Cabinetry

It wasn’t just the bright-green Formica countertops that Tami Watts disliked about her kitchen. Watts and her husband, Brad, owner of Valley Nursery in Poulsbo, typically host holiday and birthday gatherings for their extended local family, now three generations. The long peninsula in … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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