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The Home

Each issue of our magazine showcases new or remodeled homes, including our design series, appliances, and the latest in kitchen and bath features. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!

A Home for the Best of Life

A Home for the Best of Life

An unassuming house perched on a hillside turns out to be anything but unassuming. Behind a cobbled entrance and craftsman door lies a leafy view that sweeps to the shimmering Puget Sound and snowy Cascade peaks. Throw in the ever-changing sky and cityscape … read more

Landscape design by Patrick Leuner

Selecting a Landscape Designer or Landscape Architect

“Gardeners, I think, dream bigger than emperors,” said author and journalist Mary Cantwell. But sometimes gardeners need help in realizing their garden dreams. When you do need help, two challenging questions arise: What type of creative professional do you need — a landscape … read more

So, You Live with a Messie?

So, You Live with a Messie? Tips to Help Keep the Peace

Opposites attract: Night owls marry early birds, party people partner with homebodies and we, neat freaks, just can’t live without some messies in our life. We love them: They are our partners, our children, our aging parents. They are spontaneous, funny, out-of-the-box thinkers … read more

An English Country Cottage in Hansville
Cover Feature

An English Country Cottage in Hansville

Tires crunching a tidy, graveled driveway announce one’s arrival to Roy and Barbara Wilson’s Skunk Bay home. It lies just beyond the waterside hamlet of Hansville and is nestled on about 5 acres just above the bay. Apples lay at the feet of … read more



Blue is a monster — arrogant and selfish, a color that wants to call the shots and pull the trigger. It can suck the air from a room one moment and bring in the light the next. The ever-present hue can confidently stand … read more

A Little Piece of Heaven on Bainbridge Island

A Little Piece of Heaven on Bainbridge Island

Liz and Gordon Evans had a dream — retire and move from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Bainbridge Island. Simple, right? But, when you live half a continent away, a collaborator who hears your dream and makes it her own is a necessary asset. In … read more

Have fun with a message to your guests on a blackboard.

Tips for Your Next Plein-Air Dining Party

Plein-air: adj. From the French en plein air...

When you live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, you learn to take full advantage of the often-fleeting warm summer days — and nights — including outdoor dining as often as possible. En- plein-air dining is easy and fun, and you don’t need to … read more

Greening Your Kitchen

Greening Your Kitchen

Kitchens have evolved from being the backwater to the epicenter of the home. Therefore, it is more important than ever to ensure the environmental health of this multitasking room for the comfort and safety of all occupants. From the simple to the complex, … read more

Creative Tablescape Competition Winners 2016

Creative Tablescape Competition Winners 2016

As we have in the past, WestSound Magazine magazine received an abundance of creative tablescapes. The choices were all wonderful — but our tablescape judges, Teri Hern and Linna Lawrence, made the difficult decisions! Thank you to all who took the time to … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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