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The Home

Each issue of our magazine showcases new or remodeled homes, including our design series, appliances, and the latest in kitchen and bath features. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!

Design by Clark|Richardson Architects (Photo courtesy Andrea Calo)
Design|Build 2021B

Good Design for Fur ‘Babies’

Creating functional spaces for your pet's needs

Good access, workflow and organization are high on many homeowners’ wish lists for their kitchens, bathrooms, closets and laundry rooms. But what about the home spaces dedicated to pets? Don’t pets — and their two-legged caretakers — deserve good, functional design too? Based … read more

Silhouette treatment application
Design|Build 2021B

Choosing Window Treatments

Window treatments have been used to provide important light and climate control for interior spaces for centuries. Throughout the past, this interior layer has been made from different materials with various hanging methods. Dating back to the great Egyptians, coverings were made of … read more

Clutter-free spaces

Preparing Your Home for the Resale Market

The real estate market in the Pacific Northwest continues to thrive. Buyer demand is high due to extremely low inventory. The Northwest MLS reports 2020 inventory at a staggering 25 percent lower than 2019. Sale prices are higher across the region, and days … read more

Scott and Lyn Scherer

Living High on Art and the Hi-Fi Spectrum

The Animals sang, “We gotta get out of this place” — and years later, Scott and Lyn Scherer resonated with their angst. After living in Carnation for 15 years, the couple sprung into action due to the increasingly dreadful traffic situation. Thus began … read more

Olympic Mountains

Olympic Mountains Trail Guide — National Park and National Forest

The most comprehensive and authoritative guide to the Olympics originally written by Robert L. Wood and first published more than 35 years ago, was recently updated by local author Bill Hoke and the Peninsula Wilderness Club. Sales of this new edition benefit Olympic … read more

Rouser Forever Home

Slow and Steady Builds a Forever Home

A stunning Bainbridge Island property provides lessons in...

They knew it was trouble from the start. The lot, narrow and sloping, was a big gamble, and Jeff and Meisha Rouser realized there were easier places to build their forever home. Just getting an estimate for the groundwork was a problem; the … read more

Rose Cottage Lady
Amy's One Painting

“Rose Cottage Lady”

This is a community awareness project to help kickstart our comeback from COVID-19 restrictions. The awareness is to bring attention to our local museums. “Amy’s One Painting” is a six-painting project where every two months, a different painting is displayed, donated or sold … read more

Fabulous Baths
Design|Build 2021B

Fabulous Baths

These pages of brilliant baths are filled with inspiring ideas (and incredible photographs) that will have you rethinking the form and function of your own baths. We’re highlighting styles ranging from quiet and modern to timelessly traditional. But, they all have one thing … read more

Amy One Painting
Amy's One Painting

“Great Grandfather”

“Great Grandfather” is exactly that, the artist’s great-grandfather, a man who is said to have bitten off another man’s ear in a Montana saloon brawl and homesteaded property where the Bremerton National Airport is now located. A man who helped build the Navy … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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