Tag: things to do


Irish Potato Bread

Baked Bread to Celebrate St. Patty’s Day

From hearty stews to minty pies, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are all about enjoying the flavors of the holiday. Whether you’re cooking up a full meal or simply serving appetizers, this Irish Potato Bread makes for a simple, tasty snack to feed your … read more


flourishing backyard spaces

Will ‘Backyarding’ Become a Permanent Trend?

Under pandemic conditions, yards and other managed landscapes became a safe haven for gathering socially, celebrating milestones and holidays, working, studying, playing, exercising and = relaxing. Called “backyarding,” this trend moves  indoor activities — from working in an office or classroom to dining … read more

Rose Cottage Lady
Amy's One Painting

“Rose Cottage Lady”

This is a community awareness project to help kickstart our comeback from COVID-19 restrictions. The awareness is to bring attention to our local museums. “Amy’s One Painting” is a six-painting project where every two months, a different painting is displayed, donated or sold … read more

Fabulous Baths
Design|Build 2021B

Fabulous Baths

These pages of brilliant baths are filled with inspiring ideas (and incredible photographs) that will have you rethinking the form and function of your own baths. We’re highlighting styles ranging from quiet and modern to timelessly traditional. But, they all have one thing … read more


kids in the garden

6 Tips for Engaging Your Children with Gardening

Growing your garden is a rewarding experience, and it’s even more rewarding when you can include your children in the gardening process. While your children might not be too keen on weeding, there are a number of ways to engage them with gardening. … read more

La Perouse Bay, South Maui
Travel Bug

Maui Now: What to Know Before Visiting Maui During the Pandemic

Everyone could use a little Aloha right now. Living day to day during the pandemic has created stress in people’s lives. Jobs, families, health and economic futures hang in peril, while lockdown challenges sanity. Are you dreaming of some island time to shake … read more


victory gardens

Want to Plant a Climate Victory Garden?

U.S. gardeners have planted more than 8,000 “climate victory gardens,” according to Green America, which promotes these climate-friendly garden. The nonprofit maintains an interactive map that allows members of the public to register their own gardens. COVID-19 triggered a surge in new climate … read more


Pork Buns

Recipe — Jeff Stelmach’s Pork Buns Dim Sum

Home baker Jeff Stelmach discovered dim sum (Chinese small plates typically served with tea) sometime in the ’70s in New York City. He remembers it as a fascinating experience that, through a series of twists and turns, has brought him to the place … read more

Two special breads from one recipe
Our Daily Bread

Bread Fit for a King

Two special-occasion breads, one basic recipe

Nearly every culture throughout the Christian world enjoys a version of Kings Bread. A rich, brioche-style dough laden with butter, milk and eggs forms the basis for this “viennoiserie” — a bread leavened with yeast but enriched to make it almost a pastry … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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