Tag: how-tos

Author, Molly Gilbert

Greens & Eggs & Ham

Cleanup is probably the least enjoyable part of entertaining guests — as are elaborate recipes that keep you in the kitchen all day. “Sheet Pan Suppers,” released this past December by Workman Publishing, promises to take care of those problems. Named an essential … read more


This John Steiner chessboard, made from anigre, mahogany, maple, walnut and wenge, has a slight glow to it. Steiner was trying to capture the color mechanics of iridescence by using gradations of wood color.

Wood Varieties — Advantages, Care and Use

Last month I sat down with John Steiner to get his thoughts on woodworking — the cabinets and furniture pieces that he builds out of solid wood. Recently, I went back to his shop to discuss those woods. This is not an all-encompassing … read more

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling Fans — Not Just for Summer Anymore

Selecting the right fan for four-season enjoyment

Unlike a chandelier or a stunning kitchen tile backsplash, ceiling fans go mostly overlooked by visitors and occupants of a home. Although fans can be decorative, their primary purpose is utilitarian, hence they are rarely noticed until they are needed or wanted. Ceiling … read more

Ground Cover

Carpeting the Garden in Living Green

A favorite look in many gardens is flagstone surrounded by a carpet of ground covers. Providing interesting textures and colors, the shortest of the short such as creeping thyme, Corsican mint, Irish and Scotch moss, and others cover the soil as they crawl … read more


Picnic-Wiches With Greek Artichoke-Beet Relish

Recipes for Perfect Picnic Picks

Perk up your next picnic with these deliciously different sandwiches and salads that are super easy to prepare and can be made ahead. Condiments like Aunt Nellie’s Sliced Pickled Beets make the difference between a good sandwich and a great sandwich. The sweet-tangy … read more

Get the Dirt

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Plant Sales • Garden Tours • Food Gardens...

Plant Sales and Garden Tours Hopefully you’ve been getting in shape and building up stamina during the last few months, because May and June in the gardening world are packed with opportunities, activities and lots of time out in the garden. Be sure … read more


Kids In The Kitchen

Kids and Kitchens: A Healthy Mix

It’s that time of year when farmers markets are in full swing, offering up a full complement of healthy, locally grown foods. Are you getting your recommended daily allowance of nutrients? What about your kids? Instilling good eating habits in our children is … read more


Grilled Steak Recipe

Food and Wine Pairing Tips for Your Memorial Day Party

Memorial Day heralds the start of grilling season. Perfect your fireside techniques and enhance outdoor dining by learning how to pair wine with grilled dishes. “The right wine makes every meal better, especially with meals cooked on the grill,” says Michael Trujillo, president … read more


Cracked Pot Miniature Container Gardens
Gardening With Peg

How to Create Tiny, Whimsical Gardens in Cracked Pots

Sooner or later, every gardener ends up with a few broken or cracked pottery, ceramic or clay pots. What’s a gardener to do? They’re often way too nice to throw away. My friend, Melissa Lawrence, shows us how to create beauty out of … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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