Tag: how-tos


Front Doors

Make Over Your Door: Tips to Make a Grand Entrance

There are many reasons why a home could need a door makeover. Entry doors, like other major components of the home, can wear out over time and need to be replaced. Additionally, homeowners may “inherit” a door on a home they’ve recently purchased … read more


Zucchini Casserole

Turning Zucchini Excess into a Yummy (but Overflowing) Casserole

What do you do with a zucchini the size of a small pony, enough basil to fill a wheelbarrow, so many small tomatoes that could choke a dragon, and ample packages of moose meat in the freezer? These items in themselves come with … read more


Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Fall Harvesting and Planting • Freezing Veggies •...

Fall Harvesting September and October are a time for pause and reflection and also new beginnings. It’s a time to celebrate the bounty in our gardens and to harvest and preserve fruits, vegetables and herbs for later enjoyment. If you have extra produce, … read more


Back To School Girl

How to Prepare for Back to School

The back-to-school season can be exciting, stressful and everything in between. A good start can influence children’s attitude, confidence and performance both socially and academically. Whether you have a kindergartener or a teen in high school, here is practical advice on how to … read more



Building or Remodeling? It’s all About Time and Money!

There is a lot to consider when embarking on a building or remodeling project, and a major decision is choosing a reliable contractor. There are many steps to due diligence in this department, and I can outline them all, but I find that … read more


S'mores Pops

How to Sweeten Summer Celebrations with S’mores

Whether it’s a backyard barbecue, a block party or movie night, you can sweeten summer fun and celebrations with an iconic treat. August 10, National S’mores Day, is a great reminder to make the most of summer. This year, consider going beyond the … read more


Harbor Seals

Stranded or Sleeping? What to Do if You Find a Harbor Seal on the Beach

From late June to early September, harbor seals all over the Puget Sound are giving birth to their young. While these fuzzy, Bambi-eyed babies are drop-dead adorable, it is extremely important that beach visitors give these little friends a lot of space. If … read more

Grilling Perfection

Master the Art of Grilling Perfection

To master the art of grilling, it’s best to start with a piece of high-quality meat. While some supermarkets have been responding to the consumers’ demand for transparency, it’s still a good idea to find a great local butcher shop and get to … read more

Summer Learning

Ideas for Parents for Promoting Children’s Summer Learning

“Summer time and the living is easy” — but parents shouldn’t make it too easy for their children to forget everything they’ve learned up to vacation time. Schooling stops during the summer but our learning should not. Many children tend to regress in … read more

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