Tag: health


Senior Healthy Living

Tips for Healthy Aging

Healthy aging can often be credited to one key factor: prevention. To help remain active in retirement, it is important to listen to the body’s signals and understand the needs required for a healthy body. Experts recommend always viewing your health through a … read more


boot cleats

Mayo Clinic’s 10 Tips for Avoiding Falls

During the winter season, you may need to pay closer attention to watching your step. But fall prevention is something you should work on year-round. Even if you’re active, healthy and full of life, statistics show that you have a greater chance of … read more


Martha & Mary AT HOME's skilled caregivers form close bonds with their clients, offering warm companionship and a wide array of in-home, nonmedical care services, including meal preparation, transportation to appointments and medication reminders.

Martha & Mary AT HOME Receives 10th Consecutive National Award

Martha & Mary AT HOME recently received the 2019 Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice Award from Home Care Pulse. This year marks the 10th time in a row that the in-home caregiving operation, based in Poulsbo, has won this prestigious … read more



7 Benefits of Walking for Seniors

With a fresh new year underway, many of us are making resolutions to begin a healthier lifestyle. If you are a senior, you might want to consider a regular walking routine to improve your overall wellbeing and to put yourself on track for … read more


power generator safety

Stay Safe while Using a Portable Generator During Inclement Weather

For many people, inclement weather can be frightening — especially when the wind is blowing hard, the rain is pouring and the trees are rustling. To weather a storm safely, it’s important to remember certain safety tips and proper use of tools. Portable … read more


senior depression

Tips for Addressing Depression in Seniors

Depression in older adults is a serious concern. The National Institute of Mental Health considers depression in the elderly to be a major public-health problem. It is estimated that in the United States, 6 million persons aged 65 and older suffer from depression, … read more

Martha & Mary

Making a Difference — Martha & Mary

Helping Kids and Seniors for More than 125...

If you want to feel good about the world, drive to Poulsbo and spend some time visiting Martha & Mary, a unique organization where kids get their start in life and seniors find a caring and peaceful place to spend the last part … read more



Wasp Numbers on the Rebound — Avoiding the Stings

Ask any gardener, hiker or picnicker — the region’s wasp population got its sting back. “Compared to recent years, the number of wasps is considerably up,” said Richard Zack, Washington State University entomologist. Equipped with sharp stingers, craving sugar and searching for water … read more

Kathleen Sutton

Smoothing the Rough Road to Treatment

A cancer diagnosis is a ticket to a place no one wants to go. The path is uncertain, the effort exhausting, and the itinerary largely out of our control. Aside from immediate concerns such as reviewing treatment options and coverage for medical costs, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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