Tag: design


'Aging in Place' Accessible Bathroom

Planning for Your Future Needs with ‘Aging in Place’ Strategies in Your New Home or Remodel

Recently we began work on a home design for a newlywed couple who are starting their life together by building a home. And, they want it to be one that they can live in for a very long time. Smart thinking, as you … read more


Turn a Boring Floor into a Piece of Art with Faux Paint

Turn a Boring Floor into a Piece of Art with Faux Paint

With a little bit of paint — and...

My husband turned to me a couple of weeks ago and said, “You know that vintage area rug you’ve got downstairs in our basement studio, trying to cover up the plywood floor? I’ve always hated that. What I’d like to see down there … read more


Review Website Warning

The Pitfalls of Using ‘Review’ Websites to Help Choose Your Building or Remodeling Contractor

You’ve seen them online, and the ads on TV. Use their website to get reviews before you hire a builder or remodeler (or a doctor, dentist etcetera). Their “list” can save you lots of headache, the ads claim. But how do these sites … read more



It rolls off the tongue like grapes on sand paper. The word is not only awkward to say, but orange is a poet’s dilemma. It may be a color always there but less thought of, perhaps like a stagehand whose presence is necessary … read more

Looking for a fabulous garden project to spur your creativity and add personality to your yard? Making stepping stones is an easy way to accomplish both. The following instructions will walk you through everything you need to know and all the materials needed to complete this fun project at home.
Step By Step

Make Your Very Own Unique Stepping Stones

Looking for a fabulous garden project to spur your creativity and add personality to your yard? Making stepping stones is an easy way to accomplish both. The following instructions will walk you through everything you need to know and all the materials needed … read more


How to Choose the Right Table Lamp

How to Choose the Right Table Lamp

A common question I hear regarding home décor is how to choose living-room table lamps so they are the correct height. In most cases, tops of lampshades should be somewhere between 4 and 5 feet from the floor. A variation of 2 to … read more


A retractable, flush-mount range hood made by Imperial Kitchen

Clearing the Air Regarding Fans: How to Ensure Yours Works Properly

Most homeowners have a hate-hate relationship with their exhaust fans, be it the one in the bathroom or the one in the kitchen, and as a result they are seldom used. Exhaust fans are designed to remove moisture, grease and particulates from your … read more


Old And New Furniture Styles

Home Décor Tips: How to Mix the Old with the New

A client asked me recently whether modern and traditional pieces can mix together in the same room. She had inherited some traditional sofas and chairs from her grandmother, but her husband prefers more modern and simpler look. The two styles are not mutually … read more

Dune Dimentional tub by Clark

What’s Hot? From Design and Construction Week 2014

Tossing aside the old adage of “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” this is too good not to share. Needless to say, with 650,000 square feet of contracted display space, 1,500 vendors, 75,000 attendees and sold-out presentations, there were undeniable signs that … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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