Tag: 0009

Volunteers for Cascade National Park Butterfly Project track subalpine butterflies. (Photo courtesy Kevin Bacher)

Advancing Scientific and Historic Projects with… Citizen Science

“World’s Oldest European Hedgehog Found by Citizen Scientists,” trumpeted a recent Smithsonian Magazine headline. A 16-year-old male hedgehog dubbed Thorvald had outlived the lifespan of his species by 14 years, surviving habitat loss, pesticides and the No. 1 cause of hedgehog deaths — … read more


What’s Hot, Accessible and Sustainable

The recent Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) 2023 at the Las Vegas Convention Center drew an amazing post-COVID crowd of 40,000 attendees, with 500 exhibitors covering 400,000 square feet of exhibit space. An unprecedented number of new products made their debut, making … read more

Design|Build — Cover Feature

An Illuminated Lifestyle

Depending on where a person falls in the generational lineup, the idea of an automated home may be as reasonable as apps are to the millennials or as startling as the concept was in 1962, when first introduced to the boomers on the … read more

Best of West Sound 2023

Best of West Sound Results 2023

WestSound Magazine presents the annual Best of West Sound results for 2023! Entries have been submitted from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor. On this page we’ve listed the businesses and places you love the most. Enjoy! Best Restaurant Boat Shed … read more

Chelsea Travaglio Garden

Creating a Garden Retreat in Silverdale

As a little girl, I took great comfort in our family garden. I grew up on a small farm in Woodinville. I vividly remember taking the short walk down to the barn to say “hello” to the horses and chickens, then slowly finding … read more

Thermador multizone wine refrigerator (Photo courtesy BSH Home Appliances)

How to Consume, Preserve and Store Wine at Home

Proper Handling and Storage for Best Wine Preservation

Wine sales around the world are on the rise, with more people enjoying wine in the comfort of their own homes rather than in restaurants or bars. Drinking wine can be a thoroughly delightful experience and a worthwhile expenditure, provided you treat it … read more

Time to eat
Barb's Open Kitchen

Asparagus Quiche

There is no other vegetable that speaks to spring like asparagus. It emerges from the bare ground when soil temperatures reach about 50ºF and grows rapidly for two to three weeks. Gardeners who grow asparagus understand the difference in size of the stalks, … read more

Helen Dodge

Collecting with an Artist’s Eye

Self-proclaimed “thrift store addict” Helen Dodge uses her forays into thrift shops as a form of entertainment, but also to augment her artistic lifestyle. Her home is tastefully accessorized with colorfully decorated pottery from around the world. She is drawn to bold designs … read more

Lisa's Leaves

Lisa’s Leaves — An Enchanting Destination

Sitting serenely at the top of a hill with a peek-a-boo view of Sinclair Inlet is the home and business of Lisa and Dave Connelly. Towering trees border the open spaces of the 8-acre property that showcases the picture-book home, orchard, garden, flower … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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