
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.

Throngs of people delight in seeing the salmon return at the Mountaineers Rhododendron Preserve last fall. Salmon docents and guides will be on hand to lead tours and answer questions again this year. (Photo courtesy Jeff Adams)
WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Salmon Steward Learn about salmon and their habitat, life cycle and species in the Puget Sound. Trainees who work two hours at salmon events get a new Kitsap Salmon Field Guide and are eligible to have the class fee refunded. Choose from a … read more



Dahlias are synonymous with fall. Lush blooms brighten private gardens and public places like the Silverdale Post Office, Port Gamble Post Office and local farmers markets. Gardeners and appreciators of these blowsy, colorful plants can purchase them in bouquets galore or even in … read more

Designer Fox Island Home
Cover Feature

Designer Fox Island Home Given a New Look with Small Touches

A home redesign doesn’t always have to involve demolition work and remapping of the floor plan. Sometimes changing the smaller things in a home can make a world of difference. One Fox Island couple steered clear of the more traditional sense of a … read more


ChocMo — An Ever-Evolving Bistro

Poulsbo’s ChocMo is a business that never stands still. From its original beginnings as a tiny chocolate shop, it has evolved into a full-fledged restaurant that continues to surprise. Case in point: A new lunch menu being introduced this fall that takes the … read more

Nikki Johanson of Pheasant Fields Farm in her greenhouse full of veggie starts

Save it From a Rainy Day — Rainwater Harvesting

After the severe decline in this year’s snowpack, Gov. Jay Inslee declared a statewide drought in May. By July, runoff from snowpack had disappeared and 83 percent of the state’s streams and rivers were reported running at below normal or record low flows. … read more


Remodeled Home

Beware When Buying a ‘Completely Remodeled’ Home

I stumbled across a marathon recently of a TV show called “First Time Flippers” on the DIY Network. I was mesmerized, and not in a good way. Fred and Mary (names have been changed to protect the “innocent”) have day jobs and buy … read more

Jeff Yeager Yard Art

One Man’s Junk — An Artisan’s Treasure

When Jeff Yeager goes to a garage sale, he heads straight to the pile of unsightly junk — old toolboxes, rusty equipment, obsolete metal parts and the like. To the untrained eye, it all looks like a heap of unusable thingamabobs. But Yeager … read more

Open shelving and wire baskets — Design by Paula Kennedy, Timeless Kitchen Designs (Photo courtesy Northlight Photography)

Hung Up On Closets

“It looks like a bomb went off in my closet!” This is how many homeowners describe their closets. Is it too many clothes and shoes or is it lack of organization? Honestly, it is typically a bit of both. Although designers and residential … read more

The Old Jar

The Old Jar

Things under foot not noticed, things everywhere that no attention is paid to, things taken for granted that could easily be kicked aside, thrown in the trash or lay dormant on a back shelf — we’re talking about old jars. A kitchen jar … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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