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The Home

Each issue of our magazine showcases new or remodeled homes, including our design series, appliances, and the latest in kitchen and bath features. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!


For Every Thing, There’s a Season

In recent memory, not much has been pleasant. We have all struggled, suffered and persevered over the past 18 months or so. Gratefully, we finally seem to be coming out the other side of the worst experience — older, wiser and, for many … read more

Movement in Time
Amy's One Painting

‘Movement in Time’

After a year of withdrawing and isolating, we emerge from our COVID-19 hibernation eagerly but hesitant, like a fish wanting to dart from the safe shadows to the fast flowing currents in the middle of the river. We are ready to rejoin the … read more

Hearth, Home and Hood Canal

Hearth, Home and Hood Canal

A family's perfect place lies between Hood Canal...

When Hood Canal and the towering peaks of the Olympic Mountains fill your windows like huge, framed prints of paradise, the rest of the house almost doesn’t matter. So says Susan Roe Ramsey of the Hood Canal home that first served as her … read more

Fabulous Baths

Fabulous Baths

These pages of brilliant baths are filled with inspiring ideas (and incredible photographs) that will have you rethinking the form and function of your own baths. We’re highlighting styles ranging from quiet and modern to timelessly traditional. But, they all have one thing … read more

Living in Harmony
Cover Feature

Living in Harmony

An Extraordinary Home for 'Ordinary People'

No one builds a house without a set of plans. Carol and Sonny Loidhamer, high school sweethearts, knew their life plan started with being together. After that, they had a plan — for the moment. Sonny Loidhamer got right on his, opening United … read more

Toto two-piece, skirted Aquia IV Cube washlet in cotton white

Let’s Talk Toilets

Choosing the Right Toilet for You and Your...

Toilets typically do not make for polite conversation. But when you think about how often people use a toilet and how many options you have when selecting the right one, maybe it’s high time to reconsider the perceptions of “toilet talk.” Toilets come … read more

Inviting master suite

How to Create an Inviting Master Suite

Whether your lifestyle is casual or formal, creating an inviting master suite should be a priority when you decorate your home. Often, homeowners consider this room secondary to the common spaces, but the master suite is a room that you should invest in … read more

Dana Boys Home

The Fruit of Their Labor

A vision kitchen big enough to host family...

Dana Boys had a problem. His expensive, two-year-old wine cooler broke, leaving costly bottles at risk. Brenda, his wife, had had a kitchen crisis for years. Their teeny-tiny kitchen allowed no more than one person to operate in it at a time. They … read more

Amy's One Painting


“Restriction” is a 40-by-32-inch, dramatic painting in the “Artist Behind Glass” series that is now featured at the Sidney Museum and Arts Association, located in Port Orchard at 202 Sidney Avenue. This is the Sidney Museum’s 50th anniversary. My 24-piece art show will … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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