The Garden
It takes time — as well as imagination, desire and commitment — to turn a yard into a garden. Sam and Karen Brindley had the latter two necessities when they moved to Indianola from Kirkland 10 years ago. The house they found had … read more
Gig Harbor Gardeners' Annual Trip Is Popular Plant...
The first week in June each year, 36 intrepid gardeners board a bus for a three-day garden visit and shopping marathon. The Gig Harbor Gardeners chapter of the Northwest Perennial Alliance has sponsored this trip for the past seven years, and has yet … read more
Numerous species of migratory birds breed in West Sound. Many travel thousands of miles from wintering grounds in Mexico and Central America. The later a bird arrives, the farther it has traveled. These species, called long-distance migrants, sometimes spend the nonbreeding season in … read more
“Why would you want to buy that piece of swampland?” asked the strawberry farmer when Jim and Lynn McIntyre showed interest in a plot of land he had tried to cultivate. The land was full of rocks and wet clay, and a big … read more
Every garden needs a work area: a “behind the scenes” staging space where all the glories of the garden are dressed, groomed and rehearsed until they are ready to make their entrance. This can be a spot tucked away out of sight with … read more
On Bainbridge Island, looking out onto Manzanita Bay, Navy veteran Al Philips has been assembling a collection of native plants around his home. Soon after purchasing his lot, Philips began landscaping. At first, he planted all sorts of plants, but soon a love … read more
Cover Feature
About 20 years ago while living in Sandpoint, Idaho, Paul Kusche got bit by the dahlia bug. A food industry executive by profession, and the son of a landscape architect, he’s always viewed gardening as an important hobby and source of relaxation away … read more
Due to Coronavirus precautions, Gig Harbor Garden Tour...
Variety is the spice of life. This year’s Gig Harbor Garden Tour truly exemplifies that old adage. From elegant, English-style greenhouses to sweet, pocket-sized gardens to big, community raised-beds bursting with herbs, fruits and vegetables, there is something for every garden taste in … read more
Tucked away in the side roads and trees of Bainbridge Island is an eye-catching home garden. Barbara Weissman, with help from her husband, Eric, has coordinated the creation of garden space that is more than just pretty flowers, although there are plenty of … read more