Tag: trees

Cercis chinensis 'Avondale'

Trees of Merit

Nothing enhances home and garden quite like well-grown trees. They provide an anchor for the landscape and shelter for birds. Trees outlive their owners and see generations of people pass under their boughs. Gardens come and go, yet a tree remains as a … read more

A male cedar waxwing passes a berry to a female during a courtship display.

The Bird That Likes to Party

Much like people and domesticated animals, wild birds have their own personalities, unique to each species. Some are introverts, preferring a solitary life. Others appreciate their independence, but loosely associate with a few feathered friends. Then there are the extroverts that spend much … read more



The Benefits of Eating Northwest Cherries

The country may be turning a corner on the pandemic, but the fallout could take some time to work through. Americans have health concerns beyond COVID-19 that have compounded in the past year: postponed care for wellness issues, changed sleep patterns, undesired weight … read more

Heblich Gardens

A Garden on a Lake

The magical view from the deck says it all — mountain peaks, placid lake and a garden that beckons you to leave the deck and wander through it to the water’s edge. This lovingly tended garden of Denice and Don Heblich on Wooten … read more

Marina at Jarrell Cove State Park

A Day Trip to Harstine Island

“Suri is the Bengal tiger. Tabbi is the Bengal/Siberian hybrid,” a felid-savvy guide introduces the two wild cats. “Your smells and movements are new so you’re part of today’s enrichment. It’s good for them.” Suri (at nearly 300 pounds) studies visitors through the … read more

Frog Creek

A Lodge and Treehouse Experience on the Key Pen

It’s one of West Sound’s best-kept secrets — a lovely little gem hidden in a 10-acre woods on the Key Peninsula. Frog Creek Lodge was built as a private residence for a large family in the mid-1970s. The original owner sold it in … read more

Rosedale Gardens

The Inspirational Rosedale Gardens and Nursery

If there’s one good thing that came with the COVID-19 virus in the past year, it’s the increased interest in the joys of gardening. With more time to spend at home and the need to fill the gaps left by social distancing, home … read more

A Pacific-slope flycatcher surveys its surroundings.

The Whistler in the Woods

Birders measure the arrival of spring not by a date on the calendar, but by the sounds of birds returning from winter warmth in the South. From March to May, over two dozen species of migrant songbirds arrive for breeding in West Sound. … read more


Include habitat features in your garden and landscape that are needed to attract and sustain the wildlife you are trying to attract. (Photo courtesy of MelindaMyers.com)

Designing a Wildlife-Friendly Landscape

We love watching the bunnies hopping across the lawn or ground squirrels scurrying away with a cheek full of seeds. That is, until they dine on our favorite shrub or take just one bite out of each red, ripe tomato in the garden. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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