Tag: things to do

Olalla Bluegrass

Olalla Bluegrass & Beyond Festival Turns 25

Every August since 1991, Olalla has brought together people of all ages from throughout West Sound — and as far away as Texas, Virginia and even Europe — to “Kick the City Off Their Shoes” at the Olalla Bluegrass & Beyond Festival. This … read more

Square-Foot Gardening

Easy-Peasy Square-Foot Gardening

On Jan. 20, 1993, a memorably violent storm ripped through the Puget Sound region. As Mike Lasnier, then a young Tukwila police officer, headed for work along Southcenter Boulevard, the storm hurled a massive tree from a high cliff down onto the road … read more

Water-Smart Gardening

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Water-Smart Gardening • What's Up for Kids •...

Water-Smart Gardening July and August bring some of the best weather in West Sound. Some local folks like to say that summer begins on July 5 each year. But that hasn’t been the case this year, as we’ve had many summery days. Local … read more


Kitten and Puppy Sleeping

Building or Remodeling with Your Family Pets in Mind

Americans love their pets. According to a recent report by NBC news, Americans will spend more than $60 billion — yes, billion — on their pets in 2016. Clearly, people are taking the term “furbaby” to heart and treating pets more like members … read more

Harmony Hill Retreat Center

Harmony Hill Retreat Center — 30 Years Young

Recalling the past, looking to the future

On a sunny day, the walk leading to Harmony Hill Retreat Center’s Great Hall offers an expansive view of Hood Canal, framed by the Olympic Mountain range. Standing before that vista, it’s easy to fill one’s twin cups of humility and inspiration while … read more


Marrus Orthocanna Siphonophore (Photo Credit: Hidden Ocean Expedition 2005/NOAA/OAR/OER)

The Fascinating World of Siphonophores

Why humans and these tiny creatures are more...

Do you like to walk our beautiful Puget Sound beaches at low tide? Do you slowly stroll up and down the docks, staring into the water to catch a glimpse of the sea life lurking beneath the depths? If you do this with … read more

Manor House Restaurant

Manor House Restaurant — Historic Building Offers High-Quality Dining

The entrance of the Manor House Restaurant prepares you for a feast for the senses. Beautifully designed and maintained garden beds surround the parking area and building, while a water feature made from vintage musical instruments sings happily next to the walk. Massive, … read more


Microbead Product Ban

Facing the Plastic — Why the Federal Government is Banning Microbeads

If you have ever used an exfoliating body wash or facial scrub from a major manufacturer, chances are you’ve used a product containing microbeads. While these tiny particles may be good for removing dead skin, they are bad news for the environment. Beginning … read more


Retro Soda Pop Frames

Retro Soda Pop Frames

Bottle caps are among many kids’ favorite things to collect (perhaps for kids at heart too). If you’ve got an abundance, instead of discarding or thinning out your collection, use them for a weekend crafts project. Besides, your kids are asking for something … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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