Tag: outdoors


Iris (white) and lupine (blue)
Gardening With Peg

Native Plants for West Sound Gardens

Native plants are the perfect complements for West Sound gardens. They are easy care, once established, and many of our “domesticated” or “cultivated” plants once had native roots. Also look for native plants that survive well in British Columbia, Oregon and perhaps Northern … read more

Ribes sanguineum Claremont (flowering currant)

The Water-Wise Garden

After an epic drought this year, many West Sound gardeners are thinking about water usage, as the wise use of water is a big concern in the region. Gov. Jay Inslee declared a statewide drought last spring, even before the rest of the … read more

Plant Your Fall and Winter Garden

Time to Plant Your Fall and Winter Garden

Just when the summer drought begins and the early garden is being harvested, it is time to begin thinking about continuing the planting for harvest into fall and winter. If you wait too late in the year, new seedlings will not germinate but … read more

Cheryl Bosley’s rain garden

Rain Garden Mentors

Rain gardens are not only a practical way to address rainwater runoff on a property but also a beautiful addition to the garden. Luckily for local gardeners, they don’t have to figure out the intricacies of a rain garden on their own — … read more

An old, heavy, cement trough from an antique shop is repurposed for a sink.

A Garden for Refuge — and Time with Friends

When a couple lives in the oldest known surviving home in Gig Harbor and has a partnership in the creation of a garden together, great things come from it. When Cindy and Dave Storrar moved into their home on Pioneer Way overlooking the … read more

Clear Creek Trail System

An Oasis in the Middle of an Urban Development

When people think of Silverdale, many immediately see it as a large shopping center, massive parking areas and lots and lots of traffic. It’s hard to believe that in 1841, Capt. Wilkes sailed into a bay from Puget Sound and named it Dyes … read more

Olalla Bluegrass

Olalla Bluegrass & Beyond Festival Turns 25

Every August since 1991, Olalla has brought together people of all ages from throughout West Sound — and as far away as Texas, Virginia and even Europe — to “Kick the City Off Their Shoes” at the Olalla Bluegrass & Beyond Festival. This … read more

Square-Foot Gardening

Easy-Peasy Square-Foot Gardening

On Jan. 20, 1993, a memorably violent storm ripped through the Puget Sound region. As Mike Lasnier, then a young Tukwila police officer, headed for work along Southcenter Boulevard, the storm hurled a massive tree from a high cliff down onto the road … read more


Marrus Orthocanna Siphonophore (Photo Credit: Hidden Ocean Expedition 2005/NOAA/OAR/OER)

The Fascinating World of Siphonophores

Why humans and these tiny creatures are more...

Do you like to walk our beautiful Puget Sound beaches at low tide? Do you slowly stroll up and down the docks, staring into the water to catch a glimpse of the sea life lurking beneath the depths? If you do this with … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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