Tag: diy tips


Cinnamon and Pine Fragrance Jar

Homemade Gifts for a Heartwarming Holiday Season

Instead of fighting crowds at the store, head to the kitchen and whip up Pinterest-worthy treats and crafts. Whether you’re gifting a gracious host or just want a few extra presents on hand for unexpected holiday guests, flavorful and aromatic kitchen creations are … read more


Snow Hummingbird Feeder

Christmas Gifts for Birdwatchers

“Happiness is a new spotting scope,” especially if you are a birdwatcher — or birder. When it comes to Christmas gifts for those interested in birds, optical gear is perfect for both beginning and experienced birders. Let your pocketbook be your guide. Excellent … read more

Aging Parents

Caring For Our Aging Parents

Holidays mean coming home and reconnecting with our loved ones. For the children of aging parents, sometimes returning home — especially after some time has passed — can be shocking: When did Dad get so old? Has anyone cleaned the house in the … read more

Christmas Fun

10 Tips for Creating Christmas Fun with Kids

For children all ages, there’s no more magical time of year than Christmas. There are twinkling trees, glistening snowflakes (maybe), flying reindeer, tree decorating, favorite Christmas music and baked cookies that make the whole house smell like a childhood memory. And don’t forget … read more


Potted Christmas Trees

Five Tips To Make Your Holiday Season More Sustainable and More Peaceful

These days, it seems like the holiday spirit travels in a plane from far away and comes wrapped in an enormous amount of unnecessary plastic. In the middle of finding the perfect gift and trying to hunt down deals, it can be hard … read more



What You Need to Know About Using the Internet for ‘Due Diligence’

You often hear people refer to completing their “due diligence” when hiring a contractor for any type of construction project. Officially, due diligence (also known as due care) is the effort made by an ordinarily prudent or reasonable party to avoid harm to … read more

Winter Nap

Why a ‘Long Winter’s Nap’ is Good for Your Health

“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” That’s a favorite holiday story — but what is the holiday scene in your home? No one stirring and everyone getting a good-night sleep? … read more


Broken Christmas Decoration

5 Easy Tips to Get through the Holidays Stress Free

Getting through the holidays with ease and grace is no small feat. With the endless invitations, family coming in from out of town, extra spending and overindulgences, it can be somewhat stressful to navigate successfully. Here are five simple ways to decrease stress, … read more


Matisse wallpaper (Photo by Juris Zommers)

Design Basics, Part 2: Walls and Ceilings

(An incomplete list of choices to be made...

Navigating interior design options is challenging. Where do you start when so many options are available? Here are some basic tips for your walls and ceilings. Read part 1 of this article to learn about floors. Walls: Paint Most manufacturers have reformulated their … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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