Tag: destinations

Puri Lumbung
Travel Bug

Bali Lost and Found: In Search of What Was

The name Bali conjures images of lush, green jungles; turquoise blue waters; deserted, white-sand beaches and ancient temples. Bali is synonymous with bright, colorful flowers; vanilla- and lemongrass-scented teas; and beautiful, handmade art of teak, silver and woven fabric. Bali is beautiful — … read more

Sri Lanka
Travel Bug

Shining Sri Lanka

The name means “shining” or “glittering island.” Sri Lanka. When you step off the plane in Sri Lanka, you’ll know you are on a tropical island. The air is perfumed with the scent of tropical flowers and pungent spices like turmeric, cinnamon and … read more


Cool Places to Enjoy the Dog Days of Summer on The Kitsap Peninsula

It’s true. Most people born in and around the greater Puget Sound area are wimps when it comes to really hot weather. As the thermometer soars and the dog days of summer linger on and on, locals whimper and wilt and scurry indoors … read more


The Collaborative Farm-to-Table Spirit of Mossback

Mossback. It’s a slang term for anyone who prefers the gray drizzle of the Pacific Northwest to its elusive, sunny days. And we all know what happens sans sunlight — moss grows. Except in Kingston. There, Mossback is a restaurant with an ever-changing … read more


Bremerton’s Taste of Fremont

If you live in Kitsap County and are looking for your “Seattle fix,” you can find it in Bremerton’s own Manette Business District. Just drive over the Manette Bridge, take a right, look for the iconic TV sign on the roof of the … read more


Travel with Pets

5 Tips to Take Pets on Trips

If your next big excursion is on hold until you can make arrangements for your four-legged friend, a solution may be closer than you think. Pet-friendly accommodations can be easier to find than ever, making it possible to simply take your pet along … read more

Travel Bug

18 Reasons Namibia should be on Your Travel List in 2018

Namibia. Where, you say? You’re not alone. Few American tourists have heard of it, let alone ventured here. But this vast and undiscovered country in southwest Africa is the new safari destination for Africa, as well as so very much more. The scenery … read more



Finding Peace Paddling in the Rain on Liberty Bay

Have you heard the sound of raindrops on calm water? It has a soothing effect on the soul, and when you add the sound of kayak paddles gently dipping and purple martins twittering above, one gets a sense that all is right with … read more

Alderbrook Resort and Spa
Making a Difference

The Alderbrook Resort and Spa

Located on Hood Canal, Alderbrook Resort features spacious guest rooms, a stellar marina, guest cottage accommodations, a luxurious day spa and a restaurant featuring some of the best food and wine in the region. For more than a hundred years, the Alderbrook Resort … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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