Tag: décor

A Home for Entertaining
Cover Feature

On the Level — A Home for Entertaining… and the Dogs

In the summer of 2014, when Lance and JoAnn Kahn first saw the 1970s rambler, they weren’t all that impressed. The 40-year-old house was dated and the floorplan was decidedly quirky with long, dark hallways that ran like tunnels from either side of … read more


Tree Recycling

Green Living: Don’t Trash Your Tree!

During the weeks after Thanksgiving, I saw numerous trees on top of cars and in pickup trucks — heading home for their two to four weeks of glory, decorated as the family or office Christmas tree. The sadder side of this story is … read more



Sparkling Celebrations: Get Crafty for 2016

Bring in the New Year with a little extra glam. These sequined 2016 numbers make a great centerpiece, mantel decoration or addition to your party decorations. Supplies: Papier-mâché 2016 numbers Silver spray paint Sequins in a variety of sizes and shapes Krazy Glue … read more


Cinnamon and Pine Fragrance Jar

Homemade Gifts for a Heartwarming Holiday Season

Instead of fighting crowds at the store, head to the kitchen and whip up Pinterest-worthy treats and crafts. Whether you’re gifting a gracious host or just want a few extra presents on hand for unexpected holiday guests, flavorful and aromatic kitchen creations are … read more

Celebrating the Season with Tom and Donna Torrens
Home for the Holidays in Gig Harbor

Celebrating the Season with Tom and Donna Torrens

Any time of the year, the home of Tom and Donna Torrens is an eye-catching affair. Sitting on 7 1/2 wooded acres in the Artondale area of Gig Harbor, the house and grounds are liberally sprinkled with Tom’s metal and wood sculptures, including … read more

Kingston Holiday Lights

Kingston Holiday Lights

A not-to-be-missed holiday-season outing is the Kingston Lights on the green spaces surrounding the Port of Kingston building near the ferry terminal. It all begins on Saturday, Dec. 5, at 5 p.m. when Santa arrives on a North Kitsap Fire and Rescue truck. … read more


Matisse wallpaper (Photo by Juris Zommers)

Design Basics, Part 2: Walls and Ceilings

(An incomplete list of choices to be made...

Navigating interior design options is challenging. Where do you start when so many options are available? Here are some basic tips for your walls and ceilings. Read part 1 of this article to learn about floors. Walls: Paint Most manufacturers have reformulated their … read more



Design Basics, Part 1: Floors

(An incomplete list of choices to be made...

Interior design choices can be overwhelming, especially with so many choices on the market. To help you along in the process, here are some basic tips for your floors. Read part 2 of this article on Friday for more tips for the walls … read more

Griggs D-pulls and knobs by Top Knobs — Design by A Kitchen That Works LLC

Cabinetry Bling — Stylish Hardware for Your Cabinetry

Does the look of your kitchen or bathroom cabinets leave you feeling ho-hum? With just the turn of a screwdriver, you can give your cabinetry a whole new appearance simply by updating the hardware. It is important to understand the basics of selecting … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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