Tag: craftsmanship

This upper-cabinet unit effortlessly pulls a single or double shelf down and forward with a smooth motion. No more hazardous step stools or chairs.
Design|Build 2021A

Smart Ideas — Organizing Kitchen Storage

How many times have you been down on hands and knees trying to find something way in the back of a lower cabinet? Or climbing up on a step stool or chair to reach the upper cabinets? Good kitchen design is about accessibility … read more

The Essence of Home

The Essence of Home

Current times may not be normal but all hearts will still come home for the holidays. Reimagining holidays leads to thoughts about what a home is. The word itself triggers longings from a primal place where you intuitively know home is the heart … read more

Lillian Benge
Young Entrepreneurs

Lillian Benge — Young Designer Inspired by Stories

Lillian Benge of North Kitsap grew up surrounded by a family of artists and creatives. Once she was old enough to hold a pencil, it was easy to see her innate passion for design. Lillian has a unique talent and ability to take … read more

Design Trends 2021
Design|Build 2021A

Design Trends in 2021 — Advice from the Experts

So many new trends coming our way for 2021. It’s been exciting to watch design ideas evolve. See what’s new in designs — from colors and furniture to flooring and surfaces. Every year, we gather our panel of design experts to discuss some … read more

Eileen Black, a realtor with John L. Scott Real Estate Bainbridge Island, said this style of garage door is contemporary looking "but not in a way that makes the home too modern looking ... It just pulls it into the 21st century. It can really make a house stand out." (Photo courtesy Kitsap Garage Door)

The Ol’ Garage Door — From Functional to Smart and Classy

National Curb Appeal Month (apparently, it’s a thing) was in August, and this year the focus was on garage doors. And for good reason. Once the sole domain of the family car, today’s garage serves a multitude of purposes. People play in them, … read more

(Photo courtesy Michael Seidi Photography)
Cover Feature

SunDog Ranch

A gutsy Northwest, contemporary home with the accent...

SunDog Ranch received its occupancy permit five days before the COVID-19 lockdown began. Dean and Sherri Church, owners of Liberty Bay Auto, were both delighted and shocked to find themselves virtually home alone with their two teenage sons. Where did the contractors go? … read more

Decking the Halls

Decking the Halls

Christmas starts in October at Ann Ryan’s home on Oyster Bay. That’s when she hauls out the boxes and boxes of holiday decorations she’s collected over the years and starts decking the halls of the 100-year-old home. Ryan’s collection includes Christmas-themed paintings, dozens … read more

Gary Jackson with eagle. This photo appeared in the fall 2009 issue of WestSound Home & Garden magazine's "An Art-full Weekend" — a feature about the Gig Harbor Open Studio Tour. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the event was canceled for 2020, which would've marked the 28th year of the tour. (Photo courtesy Charlee Glock-Jackson, 2007)

From Stainless Steel and Bronze to Inspired Art

Dedicated in March 2019, Ancich Waterfront Park in downtown Gig Harbor is both a remembrance of the town’s pioneering Ancich family and a dedication to the commercial fishing boats that shaped much of the community’s history. The park’s landscaping plan included public artwork … read more

Garden of Delights
Cover Feature

Garden of Delights

A tapestry of texture, a masterpiece of excess...

It’s been said that you can tell a lot about a person by the garden she grows. In the case of Teri Cole of Bainbridge Island, her garden is an adventure of exuberance. A riot of color, quirk and creativity, Cole’s beds and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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