Tag: craftsmanship

Huffman Remodel
Cover Feature

Remodeling During Unusual Times

Where There's a Will, There's a Way ...to...

While 2020 might have been the hardest and longest year in recent history for many people, “hard” took on a whole new meaning for the Huffmans. This family of four had been searching two years for a waterfront home on Bainbridge Island in … read more

Frog Creek

A Lodge and Treehouse Experience on the Key Pen

It’s one of West Sound’s best-kept secrets — a lovely little gem hidden in a 10-acre woods on the Key Peninsula. Frog Creek Lodge was built as a private residence for a large family in the mid-1970s. The original owner sold it in … read more

The remodeled guest house

Remodeling — A Home and a Career

Frank Tweten calls his years at Tweten’s Lighthouse Restaurant his inherited position. His father established the restaurant and Frank grew up in the business, eventually taking it over and building it into a fine-dining establishment. But when retirement came a few years ago, … read more

Comfortable and durable furniture with an inviting layout

Reinventing the Formal Living Room

You may have noticed a popular trend in new home architecture and designs — grand open concepts. An “open concept” consists of a family room with little or no separation from the kitchen and dining areas. It’s a united space to gather, entertain, … read more


metal raised beds

Ideas for Expanding Your Planting Space

When your plant list is longer than the available gardening space, it’s time to expand your planting options. Create new gardening space by adding raised bed gardens, elevated planters and containers wherever space allows. Convert the end of the drive or edge of … read more

A Welcoming Home
Design|Build 2021B

A Welcoming Home of Security and Comfort

This story starts like an Indiana Jones movie. Before they could build their dream home, Kate and David Beal had to find their property. Find is the operative word here. Arriving at the location marked on the map, they faced a 25-foot-high wall … read more

Arnold's Home Furnishings
Design|Build 2021B

Rising from the Ashes

Even a devastating fire can't destroy the success...

In the wee hours of a summer morning in 2009, three teenagers broke into Arnold’s Home Furnishings on Kitsap Way in Bremerton and set the landmark store ablaze. The devastating fire dashed the dreams of Betty Arnold, who started the store with her … read more

(Photo courtesy Diane Haddon)

The Curious Workshop Beneath the Cedars

Stepping into Diane Haddon’s studio is a tumble down a rabbit hole. The walls, countertops and dozens of small and large drawers spill over with vintage bits of this and that: an assortment of sieves and strainers, metal stamped hands, suns and moons, … read more

CooperHaven at Sandy Hook
Cover Feature

Malibu Vibe

With its endless-summer, beach-house style, CooperHaven at Sandy...

Wetsuits and wakeboards. Swimsuits and sandy feet. Christmas dinners for 18 and a child’s artwork on the walls. Throw in a million-dollar view and a passel of personal touches — and you have arrived at the home of Kelle Kitchel-Cooper and her husband, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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