Tag: business

Phoenix Design South

The Art and Science of Phoenix Design South’s Etched Glass

Around Belfair, it’s still called Hippie Hill Community. Some old friends and the price of the land drew glass artist Randy Calm and his wife, Cathy, from Chicago to Hippie Hill nearly 47 years ago. Then, there were 13 homesteading families and no … read more

(Photo courtesy Eric Morgensen)

Bremerton’s Art Deco Buildings a Nod to a Different Era

At first glance, it’s their exterior colors that make them distinct: the cobalt blue of Bremerton’s Pacific Planetarium, Admiral Theatre’s color scheme of empire gold and rockwood red, and pale yellows of the city’s downtown library. Then it’s their lines — curves, sculptured … read more

He Speaks for the Trees

He Speaks for the Trees

More than a few trees in this region owe their lives to a man in a quiet neighborhood on Bainbridge Island. Well, not just the West Sound, but elsewhere in the country. And the world. And not just trees but a few pumpkins … read more

Lennard K's Boat House Restaurant and Bar

The Boat House at North Bay

While zipping along State Route 3 between Belfair and Shelton, the speed limit slows through the little hamlet of Allyn. Smack-dab in the middle of town, on the water side of the street, sits “Lennard K’s Boat House.” Part of the building that … read more

Jake's Pickup

Jake’s Pickup — Gourmet, Organic Food in an Unorthodox Location

It’s Cinnamon Roll Saturday at the Bainbridge Island eatery Jake’s Pickup. The business’ Facebook page is live with streaming video of owner Jake Angel, working the kitchen of his deli/takeout or dine-in/espresso bar and explaining the difference between a bench knife and a … read more


Spirit of Horse Gallery

A Visit to SkyeLandeSea Farm is an Immersion in Magic

To visit Spirit of Horse Gallery at SkyeLandeSea Farm is to immerse yourself in artful magic. It is a result not only of planning but also of minds open to serendipitous revelations. A pair of ancient, carved Tibetan temple lions acknowledge your arrival. … read more

Best of West Sound 2017

Best of West Sound Results 2017

WestSound Magazine magazine is excited to present the annual Best of West Sound results — from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor, we’ve found the businesses and places you love. Enjoy! Best Restaurant La Fermata 2205 East 11th Street, Bremerton lafermatarestaurant.com … read more

Waterfall installation by Full Throttle Landscaping, using a variety of a variety of flat and round stone from Morrison Gravel (Photo courtesy Mark Stolz)

Morrison Gravel — 70 Years of Success

In marking 70 years in business in 2016, Morrison Gravel is an example of a company that has evolved adroitly with the needs of Kitsap County. Through the years, it has diversified from a gravel pit to a full-service gardenscape supplier. The Morrison … read more

F.R.O.G. Soap
F.R.O.G. Soap

Good for Body and for Planet — Clean and Green

There isn’t much that Laura Kneib can’t make by hand. Clothes. Butter. Wood boxes. Pottery. Growing up in a family that made anything from their own clothes to herbal remedies has taught her two things: You make everything you use, and then you … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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