Tag: 0009

Sundquist Nursery — Perennial beds in summer glory

Sundquist Nursery

Plants with Personality for Perfect Performance

Nils Sundquist of Sundquist Nursery is a consummate nurseryman. Growing plants has been his life’s work and passion since the age of 19. In fact, he could be called an aficionado of plants and all things related to horticulture. The nursery is located … read more

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gardens Promote Literacy at 18th Annual Gig Harbor Garden Tour

"What is a garden for, if not to...

It’s an appropriate saying for this year’s Gig Harbor Garden Tour from an 86-year-old gardener who has opened her magnificent garden to thousands of viewers over the last 15 years. For the last 17 years, the Gig Harbor Garden Tour has dedicated its … read more

Burrata Bistro and Paella Bar
Two Cuisines — One Great Experience

Burrata Bistro and Paella Bar

Drive too fast through downtown Poulsbo, and you’ll likely miss the double restaurant in a solid-cement building on the edge of Front Street. But once you’re there, depending on which of two sides you choose, you’ll either discover an upbeat setting (at Paella … read more

Seattle as Living Art — A Rockaway Beach Home

Seattle as Living Art

In this art-filled Rockaway Beach home, the view...

The Space Needle, Pike Place Market, rainy streets and the Puget Sound: Seattle is an artist’s wonderland. As local gallery enthusiasts know, there are countless ways to capture the charm of the city’s streets and skyscrapers with paint and brush. However, while watercolors … read more

Bainbridge Island Museum of Art
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art

A Cultural Landmark With a Bold Mission

When longtime Bainbridge Island resident Cynthia Sears had a vision a decade ago to build an arts museum on the island, she met a lot of skepticism. Start with a collection, many advised her, and then explore the feasibility of a building. But … read more

Tami Allen
Musicians by Night

Kitsap’s Hidden Talents

For the past 20 years, Bainbridge Island resident Tami Allen has had a “secret.” A sailboat captain for Lille Danser Boat and Breakfast and a Bainbridge Island Police Department harbormaster by day, she’s also a Cajun and zydeco music performer. Currently a vocalist … read more


John and Sarah Steiner on their sailboat Carbon.

The Art of Woodworking: An Interview with Artist John Steiner

John Steiner and Harris/Zommers Interiors have worked together on client projects for about 40 years. Steiner is a renowned Bainbridge Island woodworker, known for his furniture, cabinetry and other custom work. Before going to measure an oiled-walnut bookcase system for a new client, … read more

The Seaside Garden of Dody Solaas

The Seaside Garden of Dody Solaas

If you were to drive west toward Hood Canal after passing the Hansville General Store on the right, you could easily miss a charmingly beautiful seaside garden on the Hansville shore. The cozy home and garden of Hugh and Dody Solaas is tucked … read more

The Forever Home on Mason Lake
Cover Feature

The Forever Home on the Lake…

What do you do when you own a beautiful piece of waterfront property on Mason Lake, and you’re not sure what to do with it? You build your forever home on it, of course. Mason Lake is one of those special places that … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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