Tag: 0001


Bird Seed Christmas Tree

Decorating a Bird’s Christmas Tree

If decorating a Christmas tree for the birds sounds like fun, there are a few important things to remember. The most important element as far as the birds are concerned is that it be decorated with food. Variety isn’t important but quality is. … read more


Orca whales sighted in Gig Harbor area (Photo by Katie Schmetzer)

Viewing Orca Whales Never Gets Old

It’s not rare to spot the iconic orca whale (Orcinus orca) here in the South Sound; you just have to know where to look. Whether you view them from a boat or from shore, it is always a delight. Orcas belong to the … read more


Daffodil Flowers
Gardening With Peg

Bulb Planting Tips

There’s still time to plant bulbs, whether it’s directly into the garden or into containers. Bulbs are one of the easiest things to plant and then not much work to do after that. If you choose the correct kinds of bulbs, they’re also … read more


Chum Salmon

Salmon in November? You Bet

Leaves falling. Crisp days and often stiff nights with much cooler air temps. It’s raining again. Moving air is no longer just a breeze but an outright wind. The sun seems to spend a few hours paralleling the horizon then dips out of … read more


Kingston Christmas Lights

The Magic of Christmas Comes to Kingston on Dec. 6

In December, night comes earlier, temperatures are colder and lights cast halos in the mist. Sounds are muffled as people file off the Kingston ferry, mesmerized by the iridescent world of exotic sea creatures and spellbinding aquatic gardens, all made out of tiny … read more


Art Hanging Made Simple

Art Hanging Made Simple

This could be a very complicated subject, but let’s make it easy and take it down to simply hanging a painting on a wall. What painting and in what location? A general rule of thumb is that framed prints and original watercolors should … read more


How to Fix Loose Cords in Honeycomb Shades

How to Fix Loose Cords in Honeycomb Shades

If you have honeycomb shades, such as Duettes by Hunter Douglas, in some of your windows, try to catch a malfunction before it becomes a major problem. Sometimes one or more of the cords in the pull-tassel will come undone. Stop using that … read more

Outdoor Activities to Connect Children With Nature

Outdoor Activities to Connect Children With Nature

Early fall is a great opportunity to introduce children to new activities. Children are naturally curious and they love to explore and learn about the natural world. Parents will be amazed at the fun and adventure children can experience in their own backyard, … read more


Wild Turkeys

The Wild Turkey: Our Real National Bird

According to Benjamin Franklin, the wild turkey would have been a more fitting symbol for our young country than the bald eagle. Franklin thought the eagle a “good-for-nothing” scavenger. The wild turkey, on the other hand, was intelligent, a formidable opponent and able … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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