Starter Home Redesign

Starter Home Gets Major Redesign After Homeowners’ Hiatus

Port Orchard home takes on Asian aesthetics after...

Imagine building a new home, then moving overseas for nearly two decades, and returning to that home that had quietly aged. That’s what one Port Orchard couple did — and when they returned, they knew the old home needed some updates and changes … read more


Navy Band Northwest

Navy Band Northwest Makes Bremerton Stop for ‘Home for the Holidays’

The Navy Band Northwest production “Home for the Holidays” will include a performance in Bremerton on Dec. 10. The performance, which is free, begins at 7 p.m. at the Bremerton High School Performing Arts Center. Bring your loved ones for an evening of … read more


Broken Christmas Decoration

5 Easy Tips to Get through the Holidays Stress Free

Getting through the holidays with ease and grace is no small feat. With the endless invitations, family coming in from out of town, extra spending and overindulgences, it can be somewhat stressful to navigate successfully. Here are five simple ways to decrease stress, … read more

Kingston Holiday Lights

Kingston Holiday Lights

A not-to-be-missed holiday-season outing is the Kingston Lights on the green spaces surrounding the Port of Kingston building near the ferry terminal. It all begins on Saturday, Dec. 5, at 5 p.m. when Santa arrives on a North Kitsap Fire and Rescue truck. … read more


Matisse wallpaper (Photo by Juris Zommers)

Design Basics, Part 2: Walls and Ceilings

(An incomplete list of choices to be made...

Navigating interior design options is challenging. Where do you start when so many options are available? Here are some basic tips for your walls and ceilings. Read part 1 of this article to learn about floors. Walls: Paint Most manufacturers have reformulated their … read more


Tracy Woods

Make Shopping Fun and Support Local Artists, Artisans with Holiday Festivals

Holiday shopping can be an exhausting and daunting task. Traffic, crowds and mass-produced goods at high prices all add to the frustration, sucking the joy out of gift giving and decorating. For nearly three decades, the Associated Student Body (ASB) organizations at Peninsula … read more



Design Basics, Part 1: Floors

(An incomplete list of choices to be made...

Interior design choices can be overwhelming, especially with so many choices on the market. To help you along in the process, here are some basic tips for your floors. Read part 2 of this article on Friday for more tips for the walls … read more

Griggs D-pulls and knobs by Top Knobs — Design by A Kitchen That Works LLC

Cabinetry Bling — Stylish Hardware for Your Cabinetry

Does the look of your kitchen or bathroom cabinets leave you feeling ho-hum? With just the turn of a screwdriver, you can give your cabinetry a whole new appearance simply by updating the hardware. It is important to understand the basics of selecting … read more


Song Sparrow in Autumn Plumage

How You Can Be Part of Thanksgiving Bird Count

During the month of November, one bird is in the minds of many West Sound residents. While the Thanksgiving turkey may be the Bird of the Month, other birds are getting their share of attention. They are the ones that will be counted … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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