
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.

Sitting comfortably in its surrounds as if built decades ago, the Fortner home is the centerpiece in a compound of buildings surrounded by gardens. The bake house is to the left of the main house.

Backyard Bread Bakers

The West Sound area abounds with people who enjoy aesthetically pleasing and interesting lifestyles. Perhaps no pastime is more enticing to all of the senses than baking one’s own breads and rolls in an age-old, traditional manner. Baking slow-rise artisan breads — in … read more


Cauliflower Mash

Five Tips for a Happy and Healthy Plant-Based Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is such a great holiday. We take time to be with our loved ones and be thankful for our relationships, our health and our opportunities. It’s a time to celebrate the harvest and all of the wonderful flavors and colors and textures … read more

Exuberant window hanging designed with mirrored glass and ceramic flowers to reflect interior light and stained glass and millefiori beads to glow with backlight

Piece of Mind — The Mosaic Art of Louise Martin

Louise Martin’s mosaic art integrates many components: stained glass, beads, glass rod, smalti, ceramic tile, mirror, rhinestones, Polish pottery. The most potent part of her work, however, is not the material itself, but the palpable connection of the artist to the world around … read more

Fort Worden

Fort Worden Becomes Lifelong Learning Center

Fort Worden State Park has been a longtime destination for both recreation and events. Among the many favorite parts of the park are the historic officers’ row homes, a wonderful place for overnight stays. Even Richard Gere got to enjoy the park when … read more



Creative Projects for the Season

A holiday-ready home is filled with small touches that celebrate the season. Extend a warm greeting to your guests with a faux fur wreath that dresses up the front door, such as this design from the crafting experts at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores. … read more

Hardy garden mums — these mums bloom in mounds from August through October. They are a favorite for cut flowers and display.

Garden Chrysanthemums — Colorful Hardy Flowers

Fall is the time of year when chrysanthemums appear in nurseries and garden centers. Gardeners may see them through the winter months too. Chrysanthemums originated in China and have been the national flower of Japan since 910 A.D. but have only been cultivated … read more


Orca Killer Whales

Are Puget Sound’s Orcas Making a Comeback?

Orcas have always played a significant role in Puget Sound, with cultural significance ranging back thousands of years. As apex predators, they are crucial to the local ecosystem, and they also assist the regional economy by bringing in tourism. These creatures have many … read more

Snow bunting

Special Winter Birds

Many birds that nested in the North use the Pacific Northwest as their “south.” Their arrival at this time of the year is a winter highlight for the birding community. Audubon chapters plan their field trip schedules so members and visitors have a … read more


Water Audit Danger Fafety

How to Perform a Water Safety Audit in Your Home

Tips for identifying and correcting risks can help...

Drowning is the leading cause of injury death among children aged 1-4 years, and while swimming pools are a major risk, not all deaths occur in or around a pool. There are many potential risks for drowning in the average home. Parents with … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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