The Garden
As a little girl, I took great comfort in our family garden. I grew up on a small farm in Woodinville. I vividly remember taking the short walk down to the barn to say “hello” to the horses and chickens, then slowly finding … read more
Sitting serenely at the top of a hill with a peek-a-boo view of Sinclair Inlet is the home and business of Lisa and Dave Connelly. Towering trees border the open spaces of the 8-acre property that showcases the picture-book home, orchard, garden, flower … read more
Spring is here, which means it’s time to go on a journey around West Sound exploring our unique and wonderful garden nurseries — time to find the spring bloomers that lift the late-season garden. Let me take you on a hop-and-shop journey into … read more
Why We Need Solitary Pollinator Bees and How...
Exploring the beautiful Kitsap Peninsula, we can find an array of treasures in all shapes and sizes. From awe-inspiring forests to picturesque beaches and harbors, this region is a paradise for nature lovers. What we don’t often take notice of are the smaller … read more
Teri's Tips
Campanulas are my new favorite plant. There are about 500 varieties — encompassed trailers, creeping or tufted miniatures and erect kinds 1 to 6 feet. Most are perennials; some are biennials or annuals. Flowers are usually bell-shaped, though some are star-shaped, cupped or … read more
March and April are perfect months for selecting and planting woody shrubs and trees. This year, consider adding plants to feed and shelter wildlife, especially birds and pollinators. Choose from both evergreen and deciduous plants. Evergreen plants provide shelter and nesting areas throughout … read more
Some people like to talk. Gregarious folks never run out of things to say, nor do they seem to tire of speaking. Others are quieter and only talk when it’s necessary. It is the same in the world of birds. Some birds call … read more
There are over 60,000 onsite sewage systems (OSS) in Kitsap County. How should you landscape and maintain them? What Is an OSS? An OSS has a septic tank where effluent (i.e., wastewater from kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms) enters the tank, solids settle … read more
Brr, it’s cold outside. Take heart — the days are becoming longer and the winter flower phenomenon is hellebore season, brought to you by the genus Helleborus. Commonly called hellebores, Oriental hellebores, Lenten rose or Christmas rose, whatever you call them, they … read more