The Garden

Many interesting and delightful gardens abound in our area — how fun to glimpse into a gardener’s back yard (or even front yard). Enjoy gardens from Gig Harbor, Port Orchard, Bremerton, Central Kitsap, and the North end of Kitsap including Bainbridge Island. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!

Backyard Bird Feeding Makes A Difference

Backyard Bird Feeding Makes A Difference

Bird feeding provides many benefits for winter birds in the Puget Sound area yards. The key to the conservation of bird populations is in providing the habitats needed for their natural reproduction and sustained survival. Interaction and education are the ultimate keys, because … read more

The Beauty and Effect of Gravel in the Garden

The Beauty and Effect of Gravel in the Garden

Gravel patios or “terraces” are an outdoor element used in home landscapes in Europe for many centuries. Elegant and natural, they are typically made of crushed indigenous stone, widely used for many years because it was a readily available and inexpensive material. The … read more

A bench is a beautiful feature among the shrubs that are planted on the slope.

A Steep Slope Is Turned Into a Garden Paradise

When Rudell and Jay Hegnes moved into their Gig Harbor home in 2004, they faced a steep bank across their backyard and soggy clay soil that wouldn’t drain. Most homeowners would have considered the hill an obstacle in their landscaping plans. “We knew … read more

WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Organic Vegetable Gardening Class: Gardens You Can Eat A hands-on class taught by Master Gardeners to help you create your own organic backyard vegetable garden. This course is open to any community member who wishes to learn about growing food crops organically and … read more

Camellia 'Setsugekka' was espeliered and grows next to the entrance of this home.
In The Garden

A Boost of Winter Color and Fragrance

After taking down the Christmas lights and all the bling is gone, January looks cold, dark and gray. Depressing. Does it have to be this way? Not if you plant a garden that looks good even during the coldest days of the year. … read more

Garden Planning

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Garden Planning • Moles and Tunneling Critters

Time to Plan and Learn When gardens are dormant, it’s the perfect time to take a class — or two or more. Check with your favorite local nursery and the WSU Kitsap County Extension Office for upcoming opportunities. Here are just a few … read more

A Garden for Tea

A Garden for Tea

Tea time will stop business in some cultures; it can also conjure up images of romantic and floriferous parties or bring warm relaxation to a cold winter day. Tea… Is it a ritual, an herb or a beverage? Technically, tea is the plant … read more

Camellia on a pergola

Put on Your Winter Bloomers

Good garden design shows no bias to seasons; there is something for everyone as the changes mingle and blend. To discover the garden in winter, bundle up and take a walk outside. The season shows the real bone structure and also reveals the … read more

Gifts From the Garden

Gifts From the Garden

There is much to learn about the garden: the planting, the weeding, the pruning, what to grow, plus all those plant names. One of the more enjoyable aspects of what a garden teaches is how the garden gives back. A gifting garden is … read more

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