Tag: water

Private Spaces in the Garden

Private Spaces in the Garden

“More than anything else, a garden is a portal, a passage into another world, one of your own thoughts and your making; it is whatever you want it to be and you are what you want to be.” ~ William Longgood Creating your … read more

Poulsbo Fish Park

Poulsbo’s Fish Park — A Study in Community Leadership

In my 25 years of public life, I have come to believe that community leadership is the key to a good community. Leaders create positive change. This was proven true again in 2002, when a very small group of civic leaders decided to … read more

Point No Point Lighthouse
Point No Point Lighthouse

The Sentinel of Yesteryear Still Beckons Visitors

Long before American ports became a major part of a burgeoning transportation industry — and before roads became as common as Northwest rain — Puget Sound was a bustling maritime throughway. The gateway to Puget Sound for all the ships too large to … read more

Best Friends Build Wherry for Good Cause

Best Friends Build Wherry for Good Cause

This beautiful wineglass wherry was built by Vaughn resident Frank Garratt and his friend, Buzz Bowman, of Annapolis, MD. The two high school friends decided to do a project together when they retired. The 14-foot, two-station, classic rowing skiff was designed by Pygmy … read more



NOAA’s West Sound buoys help us learn about winds, weathers and general Sound health

NOAA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, part of the U. S. Department of Commerce, has deployed many distinctive, yellow data-gathering buoys globally. Six of them, all technically owned and managed by the University of Washington for NOAA, are located in Puget Sound. … read more


Harbor Seals

Stranded or Sleeping? What to Do if You Find a Harbor Seal on the Beach

From late June to early September, harbor seals all over the Puget Sound are giving birth to their young. While these fuzzy, Bambi-eyed babies are drop-dead adorable, it is extremely important that beach visitors give these little friends a lot of space. If … read more


Pigeon Guillemot

Pigeon Guillemot — the Whistler

There is at least one bird that really whistles. Most of the time, when you hear what sounds like a whistling bird, it is air passing through its feathers when it flies. This “whistler” is a small, black bird seen on Northwest waters … read more


Deception Pass

How Long is Truly Our West Sound Coastline? It’s a Bit of a Paradox

The length of our coastline depends on the...

By simply using prominent points around the peninsula and measuring by the mile, the Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington (a product of the Washington State Department of Ecology) says the coastline of Kitsap County is 246 miles, Mason County’s 218 miles and Pierce … read more

My Garden Journey — From ‘Type A’ to Laissez-Faire Gardener

Gardening. My livelihood, exercise, psychological wellbeing, and yes, my obsession. From learning to garden alongside my parents in Los Angeles to teaching horticulture in Kitsap today, my gardening style and philosophy have taken many forms. My first job in the business was at … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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