Tag: vegetables

The hardscape and tightly clipped boxwood edging make a big impact at the Heronswood garden in Kingston, regardless of the season.

Garden Standouts for Extraordinary Landscapes

Every once in a while, a garden captures our hearts. Visitors want to linger, spirits are lifted, imaginations awaken. The smallest of gardens can make an enormous impact. What is that extra ingredient that transforms an ordinary landscape into an extraordinary one? Gardens … read more

Enchanting, Colorful Garden comes from Creative Evolution

Enchanting, Colorful Garden Comes from Creative Evolution

A walk through Lisa and Glenn Eastep’s garden makes it clear that creative minds are at work here — from the clipped gables and rolled-edge roof of the cottage-style home they designed to the inviting, arched entry gate and the foliage colors that … read more


Turkey Curry
In the Market Now

Warming Winter Curry

There are as many different kinds of curries as there are cooks who prepare them. Once the basic sauce is prepared, nearly any combination of vegetables can be combined, meat added if desired, and a nutritious and delicious meal can be on the … read more



Which Plants to Grow in Conservatory, Home, or Office

Being close to nature has many benefits but many of us cannot reap its benefits in cities due to lack of trees and plants and excessive buildings. Several studies around the world have shown the positive effects of greenery on our well-being. Did … read more

Raclette Evening

Raclette Evening

“The general idea that I like most about a raclette evening is that it is a unique and engaging way to break bread with somebody, constantly communicating with people and getting feedback.” ~ Doña Keating Reinvented for the modern era, a raclette grill is the … read more

Heyday Farm

Heyday Farm Brings Sustainable Food to the People

In the morning shade of a large, commanding horse-chestnut tree sits a bright-yellow farmhouse that greets visitors to Heyday Farm on Bainbridge Island. Right away, guests are met with beautiful flower gardens, country architecture and the smiles of staff passionate about their work. … read more

La Fermata

La Fermata — A Steady Presence in the Local Food Scene

Before Bremerton’s La Fermata Restaurant opens for business in the late afternoon, locals out walking their dogs or going for a run pause to wave through the windows at owner Sam Schicker, as she goes about her front-of-the house preparations. Schicker seems to … read more


Sweet potato fries
In the Market Now

Sweet Potatoes

Is it a sweet potato or a yam? Much confusion abounds as to whether they are the same thing or not, and what, if anything, is the difference. Unless you visit an ethnic-foods market that imports vegetables from Africa, it is doubtful that … read more

What is Eating My Plant

What is Eating My Plant?

The first land plant evolved a little over 400 million years ago. A few million years after that, the earliest known insects appeared. Then came land-dwelling slugs, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs, birds and mammals — all of them hungry and looking for a meal. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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