Tag: trees

Throngs of people delight in seeing the salmon return at the Mountaineers Rhododendron Preserve last fall. Salmon docents and guides will be on hand to lead tours and answer questions again this year. (Photo courtesy Jeff Adams)
WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Salmon Steward Learn about salmon and their habitat, life cycle and species in the Puget Sound. Trainees who work two hours at salmon events get a new Kitsap Salmon Field Guide and are eligible to have the class fee refunded. Choose from a … read more


The Benefits of Gardening with Children

Slow down. Feel the sun on your face. Feel the softness of the earth between your fingers. Bury your hand in the soil — perhaps you will find a spud, ready for supper tonight. Perhaps you’ll find a tunnel and follow it along … read more

Private Spaces in the Garden

Private Spaces in the Garden

“More than anything else, a garden is a portal, a passage into another world, one of your own thoughts and your making; it is whatever you want it to be and you are what you want to be.” ~ William Longgood Creating your … read more

Cedar waxwing

Nature’s Bounty in the Fall — The Table is Set for the Birds

From late summer into early fall, the wild bird population reaches its highest numbers for the year. This year’s young account for the increase. The population boom coincides with nature’s fall abundance. Many birds, including this year’s young, won’t survive the winter. Their … read more


Buck Lake Native Plant Garden

Buck Lake Native Plant Garden — A Place to Learn Abundantly

In 2005, Hansville Master Gardeners Roland Malan, Susan Harrington and Sheri Kiley, along with landscape architects Mary Booth and Patrick Leuner, met with county parks staff and presented a plan to steward and beautify a very neglected, weed-infested, abandoned motocross dirt bike track … read more

Bay Hay and Feed

It’s All About Community — Bay Hay and Feed

If you can’t find what you’re looking for at Bay Hay and Feed on Bainbridge Island, the chances are you don’t need it. And, after inquiring, if it’s not on hand, just ask — and it’s possible it will soon be carried in … read more

My Garden Journey — From ‘Type A’ to Laissez-Faire Gardener

Gardening. My livelihood, exercise, psychological wellbeing, and yes, my obsession. From learning to garden alongside my parents in Los Angeles to teaching horticulture in Kitsap today, my gardening style and philosophy have taken many forms. My first job in the business was at … read more

Outdoor Room

The Romance of an Outdoor Room

There’s nothing more magnetic than an “outdoor room.” It’s more inviting than just a porch. It’s more romantic than a deck or a patio. It can be either snuggled against the house or set out at the edge of the property. Either way, … read more


Simmons Garden

North Kitsap Private Gardens Open for Garden Conservancy’s Open Days Program June 28

On Sunday, June 28, the Garden Conservancy’s nationwide Open Days Program features six private gardens open to the public for one day only in Indianola, Poulsbo and on Bainbridge Island. Admission to each garden is $7 and benefits the Garden Conservancy. Open Days … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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