Tag: things to do


Styrofoam Roundup

7 Reasons You Need to Recycle Your “Styrofoam” at STYRORoundup July 7

Expanded, or foamed, polystyrene (EPS), which people usually call Styrofoam, has long been on the radar of the environmentally conscious. Not only does this material take up a lot of space in the landfill, it’s also not biodegradable. And if you’re like many … read more



Join in the Day of Caring This Friday

United Way of Kitsap County is rallying hundreds of volunteers to join the 25th Annual Day of Caring that takes place beginning at 7:30 a.m. Friday, June 22. Check-in, which includes breakfast, a to-go lunch, T-shirt, water and other giveaways, will be at … read more


Travel with Pets

5 Tips to Take Pets on Trips

If your next big excursion is on hold until you can make arrangements for your four-legged friend, a solution may be closer than you think. Pet-friendly accommodations can be easier to find than ever, making it possible to simply take your pet along … read more

Rose garden, pond and waterfall in the Becks' garden
Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gardens — Oh, the Stories They Tell

This year’s Gig Harbor Garden Tour is going to tell some enticing stories about gardens and how they came to be. Each garden, no matter how small or large, simple or exquisite, has a story to tell. Now in its 21st year, the … read more

Mason Bees

The Orchard Mason Bee

The orchard mason bee, also known as the blue orchard bee, is the Western native pollinator that appears each year in late winter and early spring to pollinate the early-blooming fruit trees and flowers. Its scientific name, Osmia lignaria propinqua Cresson, describes the … read more

Travel Bug

18 Reasons Namibia should be on Your Travel List in 2018

Namibia. Where, you say? You’re not alone. Few American tourists have heard of it, let alone ventured here. But this vast and undiscovered country in southwest Africa is the new safari destination for Africa, as well as so very much more. The scenery … read more



Tips for Creating a Pet-Friendly Family Yard for Summer Fun

People aren’t the only ones who love to spend time in the family yard during the summer months. For the family pet, the outdoor living room serves many purposes — providing a place to relax, burn off some energy, play safely with friends … read more


In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 4: Seafood

When it comes to seafood, there is really no such thing as an organic label. The U.S. Department of Agriculture standard for organic labeling is based on soil treatment and organically grown feeds, so of course, those standards do not apply to water. … read more



Gift Giving Ideas for Nursing Home Residents

Finding the right gift for anybody can be tricky business — but specially when searching for something special for a friend or family member who resides at a nursing home. Although your loved one’s limited personal space may appear to be a barrier … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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