Tag: outdoors

Clematis ‘New Love’

Spring Fever Strikes Again with Newer Plant Introductions

It’s exciting when new plant introductions bump up against spring. If you love gardening, you know how easy it is to surrender to spring fever. When the urge to plant strikes, you scurry about in a feverish excitement that can make a shark-feeding … read more

The Chief

Art in Public Places — Indian Chief at Lisa Stirrett’s Gallery

“The Chief,” which stands outside of the Lisa Stirrett Glass Art Studio in Silverdale, greets Silverdale Way passers-by. Gallery owner and artist Lisa Stirrett designed the piece and hired Bainbridge Island metalworker Dick Strom of Bapatom’s Metalworks to weld it. At about 11 … read more

Orange-crowned warbler bathing (Photo courtesy Richard Perkins)

Name that Warbler — Heralding the Arrival of Spring

Warbler watching in West Sound country can’t compete with what the eastern portion of North America enjoys, but we do have several special warbler species. Not only do warblers move into the Northwest with spring’s arrival, some have been brightening the winter landscape. … read more


Low Maintenance Gardening

Low Maintenance Vegetable Gardening for a Bountiful Harvest

Increase your harvest without increasing the size of your garden or workload. All you need is a bit of intensive planting, along with some low-maintenance techniques. Invest some time upfront to prepare the garden soil. This will save you time throughout the growing … read more


Things to Do This Year at Heronswood

Heronswood, a renowned local treasure owned by the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, has many enticements on tap this year for gardeners from near and far. Don’t miss out on all there is to see and do there. Friday Self-Guided Tours The Port Gamble … read more

Friends for life

A Spa for Your Wild Soul

A chance meeting more than a decade ago was the unlikely beginning of a relationship that today builds confidence and begins transformation for women in an unlikely way. A Spa for Your Wild Soul, women’s kayak journeys, is the creation of Spring Courtright … read more


Lawn Mower

Ready for Spring? Time to Tune Up Garden Equipment

With spring officially here, winter-weary homeowners are eager to spend time outside in their yards. The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), an international trade association representing more than 100 power equipment, engine and utility vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, reminds homeowners to keep safety … read more



Storms impact more just people — Puget Sound suffers, too

Storms have been hitting the South Puget Sound hard over the past few months. We have gotten used to the inclement weather, keeping a rain jacket close at all times and putting on tough faces when rain threatens to cancel plans. We have … read more

Harbor Family Park

Harbor Family Park — Land Saved for Future Generations

Through efforts led by Gig Harbor citizen-activist Vern Young and a few other community visionaries, a 19-acre forested site was saved from becoming a housing development so that the community, as well as future generations, will have a wonderful park. Young, who died … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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