Tag: outdoors

Guests enjoy a summer evening at the Brix 25º wine dinner.

Gig Harbor Wine and Food Festival

What could be better than sipping wine on a summer afternoon in the most beautiful little town in Washington state? So why don’t you? Time to get your tickets for the sixth annual Gig Harbor Wine and Food Festival. Gig Harbor. Very few … read more

Hardy water lily
Water Gardening Part 2

Aquatic Plants For Your Water Gardens

Water gardening provides one more way for gardeners to add plants to their environment. Selecting these aquatic plants requires the same thoughts and elements as regular garden plants. How much light will the plant receive? “The sunnier the spot, the better” is a … read more


Bacon Cheeseburgers with Kentucky Bourbon Sauce

Start the Grilling Season Right with these Bacon Cheeseburgers

According to New York Times best-selling cookbook author Jamie Purviance, one of the top trends in barbecue today is a movement toward more individual expression. “It used to be that barbecue styles were determined by regions, but in our internet-connect, melting-pot nation, those … read more

The Dr. Seuss-inspired garden of Ron Gillespie
Bizarre and Beautiful

A Gardener’s Take on Dr. Seuss

Welcome to the Dr. Seuss-inspired garden of Ron Gillespie. “When I think of Dr. Seuss, I think of fluffy things, and I think of tall things that stick out, and weird-shaped branches,” Gillespie says. Gillespie, a retired history teacher and school administrator, is … read more



Enjoying a Year-Round Edible Landscape

The garden is changing every day this time of year. Plants respond quickly to warming temperatures, the soil is still moist from frequent spring showers. The chores pile up quickly, tugging at us from every garden corner and flowerbed. At times like these, … read more


Fuchsias for Every Garden

If you remember hardy fuchsias in grandma’s backyard, you know that they have been grown for a long time in our maritime climate. Originally native to South America and New Zealand, many fuchsias are in local display gardens, including one in front of … read more


Organic Gardening

Gardening with the Health of Puget Sound in Mind

The temperate weather of Western Washington and the long growing season create a gardener’s paradise. This year, due to unusually warm temperatures, I have found myself out in the garden early, visiting with my plant friends that have lain dormant all winter. I … read more

Empress Hill

Llama Rose Farm and Gardens Reblooms as Empress Hill

The five-star wedding venue Llama Rose Farm and Gardens woke to the New Year with a new name. Like a monarch butterfly emerging transformed to spread its wings, the rustic-elegant venue unfolds a new identity — Empress Hill. The new name resonates with … read more


Pine Siskin

The More Plants in the Yard — the More Birds

The importance of a heavily planted yard can’t be emphasized too much when it comes to attracting birds. All of the plants do not have to provide food for them. Food is just one of four needs for sustaining bird populations. Like all … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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