Tag: outdoors


An iridescent blue orchard mason bee (Photo by Brian Buckner Photography)

The Top 10 Ways to Make Your Community Bee-Loved (Mason Bees, Part 3)

Editor’s note: Now that we know the benefits of mason bees, here’s what we can do to make West Sound bee-friendly. This is an excerpt from “Mason Bee Revolution: How the Hardest Working Bee Can Save the World One Backyard at a Time,” … read more


Kitsap Wine Festival

Kitsap Wine Fest Celebrates Pacific Northwest Winemakers — for a Good Cause

The eighth annual Kitsap Wine Festival at Harborside Fountain Park returns with a celebration of food, wine and community Saturday, Aug. 13, from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Guests will enjoy live music, bites from local restaurants and tastings from Washington wineries and breweries, … read more

Have fun with a message to your guests on a blackboard.

Tips for Your Next Plein-Air Dining Party

Plein-air: adj. From the French en plein air...

When you live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, you learn to take full advantage of the often-fleeting warm summer days — and nights — including outdoor dining as often as possible. En- plein-air dining is easy and fun, and you don’t need to … read more

Les & Betty Krueger Family Healing Garden

The Les & Betty Krueger Family Healing Garden at Harrison

"I go to nature to be soothed and...

When you go out to dig in your garden, take a stroll in the neighborhood park or simply sit on a bench under a shady tree, do you achieve a unique sense of calm? Chances are you do, perhaps without even recognizing the … read more


Upwind Sailing

The ‘Secrets’ of Upwind Sailing, Explained

Have you ever noticed the grace and beauty of a sailboat silently moving about? Many, many years ago, sailing vessels had square sails. They pretty much sailed in the direction the wind was blowing, being pushed along toward a destination. This worked well, … read more

(Photo courtesy Chris Webber)

For the Love of Lavender

In the middle of summer, the essence of lavender wafts through the air with such heady fragrance, an address would not be necessary to find the Blue Willow Lavender Farm. Lush, gray-green plants trimmed into neat rounds form the foundation for the thousands … read more



How to Help Keep Our Streets Litter-Free

About half the litter along Kitsap County roadsides is “intentional” litter, meaning that it was the intent of the litterer to litter. The other half of the remaining litter is the result of passive or “unintentional” littering. Unsecured/undersecured vehicle loads, windblown debris from … read more


Young apples are protected with nylon footies from apple maggot and coddling moth.

Protecting Your Harvest from Wildlife in Your Backyard

Gardening for wildlife is a satisfying focus for a gardener, knowing that your efforts benefit not only the human caretakers of a landscape, but provide habitat and nourishment for many creatures. What is better than seeing a hummingbird pushing upward on every fuchsia … read more


Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor Kitchens, from Simple to Sublime

Requests for outdoor kitchens are on the rise, from pretty basic to really crazy. While most outdoor kitchens are considered a luxury, there are ways to add them to your space in all budget ranges. First consider how you will use your outdoor … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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