Tag: northwest

Karen Sawyer, owner and operator, Pier Six Press

Pier Six Press — Creating a Community through Letterpress Cards

With the creation of new technology, many antique skills have disappeared. One of these is the art of letterpress. Karen Sawyer, the owner and operator of Pier Six Press, says that letterpress “is the old style of printing — that’s how all printing … read more


Gig Harbor Open Studio Tour

Gig Harbor Open Studio Tour Marks 25 Years

The Gig Harbor Open Studio Tour (GHOST) will be celebrating more than 25 years of bringing artists and those who appreciate art together during a weekend celebration on Sept. 16, 17 and 18. This year’s tour features 23 local artists showing their work … read more

Cedar Springs (venue); Elevated Events by Tosha (wedding planner) (Photo courtesy Cindy Nguyen Photography)


The only planner you'll ever need

‘Til Lists Do Us Part Getting married is easily one of the greatest things that can happen to anyone. However, planning a wedding can spiral into a terrible hassle. Questions and concerns may swirl. What am I supposed to do? Who can I … read more


germinate seedlings

Autumn is for Planting: Seed Starting for a Fall Garden

Now’s the time to get started in your fall garden. While it’s viable to find starts at the local farmer’s market or the nearby hardware store, nothing is more rewarding than starting your entire garden from seed. What You Need for Seed-Starting Since … read more


Purple Sensation allium livens up the early season garden with its violet-purple, 4-inch diameter flowers. (Photo courtesy of Longfield-Gardens.com)

Plant Alliums This Fall to Add Variety and Beauty to Your Garden

Take your garden to new heights with alliums. This ornamental member of the onion family provides welcome color as spring bulbs fade and before summer perennials fill our gardens with colorful blooms. Most people have seen pictures of the giant allium but there … read more

Bremerton National Airport (Photo courtesy Andrew Buchanan, Subtle Light Photography)

The Role of Local Ports

Q&A with Kitsap port commissioners

With our home office based on the Kitsap Peninsula, The Content Scout is reminded daily just how lucky we are to have the ease of spending on time to work and play out on the water. Feeling ever so fortunate to not only … read more

Serene Home Port Remodel
Cover Feature

A Serene Home Port Remodel

The U.S. Navy brings many people to the shores of Kitsap Peninsula. Some of them come and go. Some recognize the beauty of the peninsula as the home of their heart. When Kimbra Wells Metz and her children first disembarked here, they had … read more

A male wood duck shows off his spectacular plumage on a sunny day at the lake.

A Dazzling Duck and a Triumph for Conservation

As is typical with many things in life, when it comes to birds, people gravitate toward the ones with visual beauty. While birders are thrilled to see a drab-looking rarity, nonbirders get excited about birds that look the best. Not surprising, colorful birds … read more

Teri Cole Tips
Teri's Tips

Time for Edible Flowers

We’ve had a very chilly spring! I just can’t wait for my garden to start blooming. I’m thinking we are five to six weeks behind because we’ve had so little sunshine. I will pick beautiful bouquets, have garden tours, and host some very … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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