Tag: northwest

The author's bat house was graciously built by neighbor John McGhee for about $65 in materials. The house was constructed of 1 inch, by 8 inch, by 8 foot cedar boards cut to size with a total height from ground level of 13 feet. The area below the house provides plenty of horizontal and vertical space for bats to fly safely — free from obstruction and predators.

Build a Better Bat House

You may have heard that bats are wonderful for insect control. They certainly are — a bat can eat as many as 1,000 insects an hour. By devouring mosquitoes, crane flies and other pests, they protect crops and human health. In many parts … read more

Slippery Pig Brewery

The Wine Cabinet — Slippery Pig Brewery

The grand opening of The Slippery Pig Brewery in Poulsbo in June saw a huge amount of excited craft-brew lovers pack the brewery rooms. These were people who enjoy the craft-beer trade and knew that Slippery Pig beers were some of the best … read more


Projects to Consider Before Seasonal Changes

Projects to Consider Before Seasonal Changes

We have been blessed with a long, warm summer, but as fall (and winter) loom, it’s time to think about the home maintenance and improvements that are common for the season. Furnace Service Have a professional heating company check and service your furnace. … read more

Day Trip To Seabeck

Day Trip To Seabeck

Once called “the liveliest town on Puget Sound,” Seabeck is much quieter these days — but still a wonderful place to visit and take in the sights and sounds of life away from the urban rush. The former mill town has some of … read more

Barbara and Dave Shoaf — Garden Paradise

Barbara and Dave Shoaf — Garden Paradise

The hillside gardens of Barbara and Dave Shoaf offer a glimpse of paradise to every visitor. When the North Kitsap couple retired from spending their lives and careers in Phoenix, Ariz., they knew exactly where they wanted to move. In fact, they had … read more


edg3 FUND

Two West Sound Businesses Among Five Vying for Kitsap Bank’s Edg3 Grant

The TV show “Shark Tank” has nothing on Kitsap Bank. The Port Orchard-based community bank is giving local entrepreneurs a chance to share their fresh ideas for expanding their business — and to walk away with $20,000. The bank’s edg3 FUND competition, launched … read more

Fox Island's Nichols Center
Fox Island's Nichols Center

From Old Schoolhouse to Community Center

At just a little over 5 square miles, Fox Island is the second-most populated island on the Greater Kitsap Peninsula and ninth in the state. What many consider as a suburb of Gig Harbor is more than a bedroom community, however. Several local … read more


Gardening With Peg
Gardening With Peg

Vegetables to Plant Now for Winter Harvest

In the West Sound growing climate, gardeners can often plant seeds and starts in July through September for late fall, winter and sometimes even early spring harvest. The most important thing to remember is soil temperatures and how much water is needed. Many … read more

Kitsap County Boys and Girls Canning Clubs, aboard the U.S.S. Nevada, October 25th, 1923. (Turner Photo)
WSU Kitsap Extension

Celebrating a Rich History of Outreach Education

On many a sunny, misty or downright rainy day in Kitsap County, you can see a group of kindred spirits bent over a Master Gardener (MG) demonstration garden — planting, weeding, irrigating and harvesting. They are carrying on a rich tradition of outreach … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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