Tag: nonprofits

Unsung Hero — Deborah Horn

Executive Director, Meals on Wheels Kitsap

In 2018, Meals on Wheels will mark 45 years of service to Kitsap County seniors. The nonprofit has 10 community-dining meal sites throughout Kitsap County where seniors can receive a hot, nutritious meal and social interacting, paying a $3 suggested donation. Volunteers also … read more



Giving Gifts that Give Hope

Hope is a gift on every child’s wish list, especially those in parts of the world ravaged by natural disasters and poverty. Giving hope lets these children know that the world hasn’t forgotten them. If you’re looking for a gift with a purpose, … read more



Longstanding Tradition of Charitable Giving Sustains the Local Communities

Our nation is facing many challenges and our collective dialogue to discussing these issues is, at times, divisive. But, statistics show that as a culture, we share a strong core value of charitable giving. As a nation, we privately donate twice as much … read more


Drafts and Drums

Sept 30. Festival Helps Fund New Program for Soldiers Returning from War

Leaders, veterans and family members behind the Permission to Start Dreaming Foundation want to change the post-traumatic stress discussion to an effort focused on post-traumatic growth. The foundation is launching a new program that cultivates and facilitates post-traumatic growth in warriors coming home … read more

Rosemary Collins

Unsung Hero — Rosemary Collins

Founder/President of Pony Up Rescue, Olalla, Washington

Rosemary Collins founded Pony Up Rescue for Equines in Olalla in 2006 because she saw a need for a rescue organization. In early 2007, Pony Up received 501(c)3 nonprofit status, and its mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome horses in need due … read more



Play ‘Poulsbo-opoly’ — Support Scholarships and Other Good Causes

There’s a new game in town. “Poulsbo-opoly” is in the house. Or rather, at Hill Moving & Storage, which graciously agreed to store 1,000 of these limited-edition games. Yes, it’s just like that game that we have all played before. But this time … read more


Friends of Manchester Library Plant Sale

Friends of Manchester Library’s Plant Sale Helps Library Have a Home

Manchester Village is a hidden gem in Kitsap, on the waterfront of Puget Sound, and at its heart is the Manchester Branch of the Kitsap Regional Library. The relationship of this library to the community is unique. While the branch is staffed and … read more

United by Music North America

Changing Lives through Music

Based in Gig Harbor, United by Music North...

It’s said that music changes lives — United by Music North America changes lives in profound ways. Based in Gig Harbor, the nonprofit organization works with musically talented people who happen to have intellectual or physical disabilities and helps them become performing musicians. … read more

Kol Medina

Unsung Hero — Kol Medina

Executive director, Kitsap Community Foundation

Kol Medina has been serving as the executive director for Kitsap Community Foundation since 2012. Though his fingers are on nearly all the activities of the small organization, his primary role is to lead the nonprofit and serve as the spokesperson, develop partnerships … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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