Tag: horticulture

(Photo courtesy Chris Webber)

For the Love of Lavender

In the middle of summer, the essence of lavender wafts through the air with such heady fragrance, an address would not be necessary to find the Blue Willow Lavender Farm. Lush, gray-green plants trimmed into neat rounds form the foundation for the thousands … read more


Young apples are protected with nylon footies from apple maggot and coddling moth.

Protecting Your Harvest from Wildlife in Your Backyard

Gardening for wildlife is a satisfying focus for a gardener, knowing that your efforts benefit not only the human caretakers of a landscape, but provide habitat and nourishment for many creatures. What is better than seeing a hummingbird pushing upward on every fuchsia … read more


Planting Lilies for Continuous Bloom

Sometimes overlooked when planning the West Sound garden, lilies make great perennial accent points during their season of bloom. This area has a few commercial growing fields and sources for bulbs, but no plant clubs in the immediate area. Lilies are very popular … read more


Use standout plants, like this coprosma hedge of Pacific Sunset, to stop people taking shortcuts in the garden.

Edging Plants — The Miracle Workers of the Garden World

Edging plants can work miracles — from fixing messy beds and directing garden traffic to serving as garden railings. Here’s are three ways garden-edging plants can work miracles. Instant Fix for Messy Beds Every garden reaches the stage where it’s full of plants … read more


Beautiful Roses

Tips on Identifying the Rose-Leaf Fungal Diseases

We have been enjoying blooming roses for many weeks now and June is the time to celebrate our national flower: Cut some and give them to a friend. It is also the time of year when some rose foliage can begin to show … read more

Get The Dirt

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Pruning, Mulching, Cleaning • Farmers Markets • Lawns...

May and June are perfect months to get out into the garden. It’s not too hot and not too cold, and just right for gardening. Pruning, Mulching and Cleaning Up If you planted tulip and daffodil bulbs last winter, be sure to let … read more


Garden Beds

10 Tips for ‘Greening’ Your Gardening Habits

Spring is a great time of the year to spruce up your gardening habits. From cutting down on the trash generated by gardening, to gardening in a way that reduces the amount of household items you need to buy, there are ideas for … read more

Gretchen Lee's Garden of Graces

Gretchen Lee’s Garden of Graces

The garden of Gretchen Lee is filled with delights for the senses. It exudes peacefulness in many areas but also includes raucous, gleeful rampages of colorful plants in others. She has created garden rooms throughout the landscaping surrounding her home in Hansville. When … read more

Hardy water lily
Water Gardening Part 2

Aquatic Plants For Your Water Gardens

Water gardening provides one more way for gardeners to add plants to their environment. Selecting these aquatic plants requires the same thoughts and elements as regular garden plants. How much light will the plant receive? “The sunnier the spot, the better” is a … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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