Tag: horticulture


Historical Plants of West Sound

West Sound, known as the Kitsap Peninsula and the Great Peninsula, has a rich agricultural and horticultural history. The glaciers left rich earthen deposits behind; the forest duff provided rich tilth and the two combined to make wonderful soils. Just the right amount … read more


Western hawthorn, Crataegus douglasii, is one of the many plants named after David Douglas.

Scientific Names of Plants Demystified

My father, Dean Kelley, was a pharmaceutical representative for a drug company. When he retired, he volunteered his time as a Master Gardener in Pierce County. One time he was complaining to me that the scientific names of plants were hard to learn. … read more


Gardening With Peg

Tips About Easy-Care Houseplants

During these sometimes gray winter months, we can still find plant pleasures indoors. Houseplants are the plants that keep on giving enjoyment all year long, whether it be with foliage or with cheerful and entrancing flowers. Here are a few easy-care, no-fail plants … read more

WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Organic Vegetable Gardening Class: Gardens You Can Eat A hands-on class taught by Master Gardeners to help you create your own organic backyard vegetable garden. This course is open to any community member who wishes to learn about growing food crops organically and … read more

Camellia 'Setsugekka' was espeliered and grows next to the entrance of this home.
In The Garden

A Boost of Winter Color and Fragrance

After taking down the Christmas lights and all the bling is gone, January looks cold, dark and gray. Depressing. Does it have to be this way? Not if you plant a garden that looks good even during the coldest days of the year. … read more

Camellia on a pergola

Put on Your Winter Bloomers

Good garden design shows no bias to seasons; there is something for everyone as the changes mingle and blend. To discover the garden in winter, bundle up and take a walk outside. The season shows the real bone structure and also reveals the … read more



Chrysanthemums: An Underused Fall Perennial

If you think chrysanthemums are only the daisy-like, yellow flowers in pots that are regularly seen at big-box stores September through fall, you would be surprised to see what they can really look like. The big-box stores sell mums that are forced to … read more

A colony of spring-blooming Tiarella cordifolia "Brandywine" grows under western hemlocks with the help of summer irrigation.

Standouts for Dry Shade

Ah, gorgeous trees and the shelter and shade they provide! Many local residents are blessed with towering conifers like Western red cedars or the fall colors of maples and other deciduous trees on their properties. Despite all their advantages, trees can create a … read more

Renovating a Collector's Garden

Renovating a Collector’s Garden

This isn’t about the design of a new garden; this is all about an existing one. As the garden ever changes, much can be said about how it grows and develops character. Then there are the spaces that do not age gracefully; the … read more

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