Tag: garden

Nikki Johanson of Pheasant Fields Farm in her greenhouse full of veggie starts

Save it From a Rainy Day — Rainwater Harvesting

After the severe decline in this year’s snowpack, Gov. Jay Inslee declared a statewide drought in May. By July, runoff from snowpack had disappeared and 83 percent of the state’s streams and rivers were reported running at below normal or record low flows. … read more

Jeff Yeager Yard Art

One Man’s Junk — An Artisan’s Treasure

When Jeff Yeager goes to a garage sale, he heads straight to the pile of unsightly junk — old toolboxes, rusty equipment, obsolete metal parts and the like. To the untrained eye, it all looks like a heap of unusable thingamabobs. But Yeager … read more


The Benefits of Gardening with Children

Slow down. Feel the sun on your face. Feel the softness of the earth between your fingers. Bury your hand in the soil — perhaps you will find a spud, ready for supper tonight. Perhaps you’ll find a tunnel and follow it along … read more

The Paradise Garden of Jim and Sharon Moore

The Paradise Garden of Jim and Sharon Moore

Jim and Sharon Moore of Kingston are only the third owners of a charming historic home built in 1909. The Moores have lived in their home since 1975 and Jim is known to many locals as their favorite veterinarian. The Moore family also … read more

Private Spaces in the Garden

Private Spaces in the Garden

“More than anything else, a garden is a portal, a passage into another world, one of your own thoughts and your making; it is whatever you want it to be and you are what you want to be.” ~ William Longgood Creating your … read more


Buck Lake Native Plant Garden

Buck Lake Native Plant Garden — A Place to Learn Abundantly

In 2005, Hansville Master Gardeners Roland Malan, Susan Harrington and Sheri Kiley, along with landscape architects Mary Booth and Patrick Leuner, met with county parks staff and presented a plan to steward and beautify a very neglected, weed-infested, abandoned motocross dirt bike track … read more


Greek Salad

Blend Late Summer Produce to Make Sauces, Sips and Soups

Want to get the most out of late summer’s fresh fruits and vegetables? Look to your blender and spice rack to puree seasonal produce into refreshing sips, chilled soups and savory sauces. “We’re in peak farmers market season with an abundance of juicy, … read more

Andersen Gardens And Home

Garden, Home and Art — Creating New Memories Out of Old

The story of Heather and Eric Andersen is an ever-changing tapestry of creating, renewing, sustaining, caring and loving. They’ve known each other since they met in an algebra class in high school. Gardening and plants have always been an underlying theme in their … read more


Planting Perennials
Gardening With Peg

How to Plant a Perennial Fall Container

Containers packed with plants provide garden pizzazz. Even though this blog and video are about containers for fall to winter enjoyment, they are actually planted up in mid to late summer. Plants often live happily in containers for anywhere from five to seven … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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