Tag: flowers

Waterside Gardening

Perfect Plants for Your Waterside Gardening

West Sound residents seldom forget how fortunate they are to be surrounded by water. Thousands of miles of shoreline influence everyday activities, especially for those lucky enough to be the stewards of waterfront property. The thought of a seaside garden conjures up romance, … read more

A Garden of Collections

A Garden of Collections

Gesturing toward a newly planted and bark-covered bed on a sunny slope, Larry Bender said, “It had been a place where I just threw things. I just dug the whole thing up and cleaned it up.” What did he plant there? “Mainly rhodies; … read more

Barbara and Jim Rogers
Cover Feature

Barbara and Jim Rogers — Once Upon a Time…

Their love story began when Barbara and Jim Rogers met in a church youth group in Santa Barbara, California, while Barbara was in high school and Jim in college. Eventually young love blossomed into engagement and a wedding 54 years ago. In 1977, … read more

Martha & Mary

Making a Difference — Martha & Mary

Helping Kids and Seniors for More than 125...

If you want to feel good about the world, drive to Poulsbo and spend some time visiting Martha & Mary, a unique organization where kids get their start in life and seniors find a caring and peaceful place to spend the last part … read more

Urban, Contemporary Home and Garden on Morgan Hill

An Urban, Contemporary Home and Garden on Morgan Hill

John and Suzanne Pitts bought a small RV and traveled six months and 16,000 miles through the Western Territories of Canada and Alaska in 2013. At the same time, they were researching a new place to build and settle down for what might … read more



Wasp Numbers on the Rebound — Avoiding the Stings

Ask any gardener, hiker or picnicker — the region’s wasp population got its sting back. “Compared to recent years, the number of wasps is considerably up,” said Richard Zack, Washington State University entomologist. Equipped with sharp stingers, craving sugar and searching for water … read more

Gold Creek Pond (Photo by Jon Stier)

Best Hikes With Kids around Western Washington, Part 2

Editor’s note: This is the second part of an excerpt adapted from hiking expert Susan Elderkin’s book, “Best Hikes With Kids: Western Washington” (Mountaineers Books, April 2018). Enjoy exploring the region’s hikes with your little ones — these are the perfect spots for … read more


West Hylebos Wetlands trail (Photo by Susan Elderkin)

Best Hikes With Kids around Western Washington, Part 1

Editor’s note: While the weather is still gorgeous, are you trying to pack in as much outdoor times as possible? If you have little ones, hiking can be a challenge. This excerpt was adapted from hiking expert Susan Elderkin’s book, “Best Hikes With … read more

For more color, add a large container to the garden.

Always a Dark Side in the Garden

Welcome to the dark side. Almost every new gardener wants a garden full of flowers. Usually the flowers on their wish list come from plants that need full sun. And tomatoes — almost everyone wants to grow tomatoes. Yet it is going to … read more

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